I have been working on this code and I can't get it to work any help out there? I am a new user and would really appreciate it if somebody can correct whats going wrong with it.

// DEBUG10-4
// PartTimeEmployee derives from Employee
// Employees make $800 per week
// PartTimeEmployees make $7.85 per hour
using namespace std;
class Employee
      string firstName;
      string lastName;
      double salary;
       Employee(string, string);
       void showEmployee();
       void setData();
       string getfirstName();
       string getlastName();
Employee::Employee(string first, string last)
    firstName = firstName;
    lastName = lastName;
    salary = 800;
void Employee::setData()
     cout<<"Enter Employee's first name ";
     cout<<"Enter last name ";
     salary = 800;
void Employee::showEmployee()
   cout<<firstName<<" "<<lastName<<
	   " Salary $"<<salary<<endl;
string Employee::getlastName()
  return lastName;
string Employee::getfirstName()
  return firstName;
class  PartTimeEmployee : public  Employee
     PartTimeEmployee(string, string);
PartTimeEmployee::PartTimeEmployee(string first, string last) :
   salary = 7.85;

int main()
    const int NUMEMPS = 3;
    string first;
    string last;
    Employee workers(first,  last);
    int x;
    for(x = 0; x < NUMEMPS; ++x)
        Employee temp;
        char pt;
        cout<<"Is employee part time - y or n? ";
        if(pt = 'y')
          PartTimeEmployee tempPartTime(temp.getfirstName(), temp.getlastName());
          temp = tempPartTime;
       workers[NUMEPS] = temp;
    cout<<endl<<"Employees: "<<endl;  
    for(x = 0; x <= NUMEMPS; ++x)


"It doesn't work" isn't helpful. Be specific about how it doesn't work and we'll be in a better position to tell you why it doesn't work.

good point well in the int main section of the coding i got everything else to work so far but it doesn't read the employee and I know I need to read the number of employees. I also know that I declared it as string from the class employee from the top. SO... in tail I need to debug the bottom part of the code to make it read the number of employees i just need to run three

I changed several things in your class, so you'll want to find and study what I did. Your approach in main has some subtle issues, so rather than walk you through it bit by bit, I simply wrote my own version for you to use as a template:

// DEBUG10-4
// PartTimeEmployee derives from Employee
// Employees make $800 per week
// PartTimeEmployees make $7.85 per hour
using namespace std;
class Employee
    string firstName;
    string lastName;
    double salary;
    Employee(string, string);
    void showEmployee();
    void setData();
    string getfirstName();
    string getlastName();
    salary = 0;
Employee::Employee(string first, string last)
    firstName = first;
    lastName = last;
    salary = 800;
void Employee::setData()
    cout<<"Enter Employee's first name ";
    cout<<"Enter last name ";
    salary = 800;
void Employee::showEmployee()
    cout<<firstName<<" "<<lastName<<
        " Salary $"<<salary<<endl;
string Employee::getlastName()
    return lastName;
string Employee::getfirstName()
    return firstName;
class  PartTimeEmployee : public  Employee
    PartTimeEmployee(string, string);
PartTimeEmployee::PartTimeEmployee(string first, string last) :
    salary = 7.85;

int main()
    const int NUMEMPS = 3;

    Employee workers[NUMEMPS];

    for ( int i = 0; i < NUMEMPS; i++ ) {

        // Clean up leftovers from setData()
        cin.ignore ( 80, '\n' );

        cout<<"Is the employee part-time? (y/n): ";

        if ( cin.get() == 'y' ) {
            workers[i] = PartTimeEmployee (
                workers[i].getfirstName(), workers[i].getlastName() );

        // Clean up leftovers from cin.get()
        cin.ignore ( 80, '\n' );


    for ( int i = 0; i < NUMEMPS; i++ )

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