Can anyone tell me how do we validate date entered in a text box?
I went to check whether the entered date in the text box is of correct date format.
Please help me out!!

what data format??specify more the problem friend :)

the data type is of date type,this i will enter in a text box.I just want to validate that the entered text in the text box is of correct format(date type).

>I just want to validate that the entered text in the text box is of correct format(date type).
Try to parse it.

If IsDate(textDate.Text) = True Then
            MsgBox("correct date")
            MsgBox("input correct date")
        End If
commented: usefull +1
commented: great +1

Hey thanks Narue n Jx_Man, both the codes are actually working... :)

you're welcome friend :)
Happy coding...

Can anyone tell me how do employee join after 6 months to add a 18 leaves
Please help me out!!

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