Thanx i finally wrote the code now im facing another issue.

code is fine but calculations arent showing correct.

Private Sub Form1_VisibleChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.VisibleChanged
        Dim Diametral_Pitch As Double
        Dim Velocity_Ratio As Double
        Dim gear As Double
        Dim Pressure_Angle As Double
        Dim Pressure_Angle_Result As Double
        Dim Pressure_angle_Radian As Double
        Dim addendum, addendum1, dedendum, dedendum1 As Double
        Dim Clearance, Clearance1 As Double
        'Pinion Parameteres
        Dim Pinion1, Pitch_Radiusp1, Pitch_Radiusp2 As Double
        Dim Base_Circlep1, Base_Circlep2 As Double
        Dim Outer_Circlep1, Outer_Circlep2 As Double
        Dim Working_Depthp1, Working_Depthp2 As Double
        Dim root_radiusp1, root_radiusp2 As Double
        Dim Whole_depthp1, Whole_depthp2 As Double
        'Gear Dimmed parameters
        Dim Pitch_radiusg1, Pitch_radiusg2 As Double
        Dim Base_Circleg1, Base_Circleg2 As Double
        Dim Outer_Circleg1, Outer_Circleg2 As Double
        Dim Working_Depthg1, Working_Depthg2 As Double
        Dim root_Circleg1, root_Circleg2 As Double
        Dim Whole_depthg1, Whole_depthg2 As Double
        Dim toolg1, toolg2 As Double
        Dim rotation_angleg1, rotation_angleg2 As Double

        gear = CDbl(gearteeth1.Text)
        Pressure_Angle = CDbl(dp.Text)
        Pressure_angle_Radian = CDbl(Pa.Text)
        Pressure_Angle_Result = ((Pressure_angle_Radian * Math.PI) / 180)

        Pitch_radiusg1 = (gear / Pressure_Angle) / 2
        Gear_Features.Pitch_radiusg1.Text = Pitch_radiusg1.ToString
        Pitch_radiusg2 = Pitch_radiusg1 * 25.4
        Gear_Features.Pitch_radiusg2.Text = Pitch_radiusg2.ToString

        Base_Circleg1 = Pitch_radiusg1 * Math.Cos(Pressure_Angle_Result)
        Gear_Features.Base_Circleg1.Text = Base_Circleg1.ToString

        Base_Circleg2 = Base_Circleg1 * 25.4
        Gear_Features.Base_Circleg2.Text = Base_Circleg2.ToString

        Outer_Circleg1 = Pitch_radiusg1 + addendum
        Gear_Features.Outer_Circleg1.Text = Outer_Circleg1.ToString

        Outer_Circleg2 = Outer_Circleg1 * 25.4
        Gear_Features.Outer_Circleg2.Text = Outer_Circleg2.ToString

        root_Circleg1 = Pitch_radiusg1 - dedendum
        Gear_Features.Root_Circleg1.Text = root_Circleg1.ToString

        root_Circleg2 = root_Circleg1 * 25.4
        Gear_Features.Root_Circleg2.Text = root_Circleg2.ToString

        Whole_depthg1 = addendum + dedendum
        Gear_Features.Whole_depthg1.Text = Whole_depthg1.ToString

        Whole_depthg2 = Whole_depthg1 * 25.4
        Gear_Features.Whole_depthg2.Text = Whole_depthg2.ToString

        Working_Depthg1 = 2 * addendum
        Gear_Features.Working_Depthg1.Text = Working_Depthg1.ToString

        Working_Depthg2 = Working_Depthg1 * 25.4
        Gear_Features.Working_depthg2.Text = Working_Depthg2.ToString

        toolg1 = Math.PI / (2 * Diametral_Pitch)
        Gear_Features.Toolg1.Text = toolg1.ToString

        toolg2 = toolg1 * 25.4
        Gear_Features.Toolg2.Text = toolg2.ToString

        Rotation_angleg1 = (toolg1 * (Pitch_radiusg1 / Base_Circleg1)) / Base_Circleg1
        Gear_Features.Rotation_angleg1.Text = rotation_angleg1.ToString

        rotation_angleg2 = (toolg1 * (Pitch_radiusg1 / Base_Circleg1)) / Base_Circleg1
        Gear_Features.Rotation_angleg2.Text = rotation_angleg2.ToString

        Pressure_angle_Radian = CDbl(Pa.Text)
        Pressure_Angle_Result = ((Pressure_angle_Radian * Math.PI) / 180)
        Diametral_Pitch = CDbl(dp.Text)

        addendum = 1 / Diametral_Pitch
        Common_Features.Addendum.Text = addendum.ToString

        addendum1 = (addendum * 25.4)
        Common_Features.Addendum1.Text = addendum1.ToString

        If Diametral_Pitch < 20 Then
            dedendum = (1.25 / Diametral_Pitch)
        ElseIf Diametral_Pitch > 20 Then
            dedendum = ((1.2 / Diametral_Pitch) + 0.002)
        End If
        Common_Features.Dedendum.Text = dedendum.ToString
        dedendum1 = dedendum * 25.4
        Common_Features.Dedendum1.Text = dedendum1.ToString

        If Diametral_Pitch < 20 Then
            Clearance = (0.25 / Diametral_Pitch)
        ElseIf Diametral_Pitch > 20 Then
            Clearance = ((0.2 / Diametral_Pitch) + 0.002)
        End If

        Common_Features.clearance.Text = Clearance.ToString
        Clearance1 = Clearance * 25.4
        Common_Features.clearance1.Text = Clearance1.ToString

        Velocity_Ratio = CDbl(vr.Text)

        Pinion1 = Math.Floor(Velocity_Ratio * gear)
        Pinion_Features.pinion1.Text = Pinion1.ToString

        Pitch_Radiusp1 = (Pinion1 / Diametral_Pitch) / 2
        Pinion_Features.Pitch_Radiusp1.Text = Pitch_Radiusp1.ToString

        Pitch_Radiusp2 = Pitch_Radiusp1 * 25.4
        Pinion_Features.Pitch_Radiusp2.Text = Pitch_Radiusp2.ToString

        Base_Circlep1 = Pitch_Radiusp1 * Math.Cos(Pressure_Angle_Result)
        Pinion_Features.Base_Circlep1.Text = Base_Circlep1.ToString

        Base_Circlep2 = Base_Circlep1 * 25.4
        Pinion_Features.Base_Circlep2.Text = Base_Circlep2.ToString

        Outer_Circlep1 = dedendum + Pitch_Radiusp1
        Pinion_Features.Outer_Circlep1.Text = Outer_Circlep1.ToString

        Outer_Circlep2 = Outer_Circlep1 * 25.4
        Pinion_Features.Outer_Circlep2.Text = Outer_Circlep2.ToString

        root_radiusp1 = (Pitch_Radiusp1 - dedendum)
        Pinion_Features.Root_Radiusp1.Text = root_radiusp1.ToString
        root_radiusp2 = root_radiusp1 * 25.4
        Pinion_Features.Root_Radiusp2.Text = root_radiusp2.ToString

        Whole_depthp1 = addendum + dedendum
        Pinion_Features.Whole_Depthp1.Text = Whole_depthp1.ToString
        Whole_depthp2 = Whole_depthp1 * 25.4
        Pinion_Features.Whole_Depthp2.Text = Whole_depthp2.ToString

        Working_Depthp1 = addendum * 2
        Pinion_Features.Working_Depthp1.Text = Working_Depthp1.ToString
        Working_Depthp2 = Working_Depthp1 * 25.4
        Pinion_Features.Working_Depthp2.Text = Working_Depthp2.ToString

    End Sub
End Class

Its not taking the addendum value whys that ??

Outer_Circleg1 = Pitch_radiusg1 + addendum
Gear_Features.Outer_Circleg1.Text = Outer_Circleg1.ToString
root_Circleg1 = Pitch_radiusg1 - dedendum
Gear_Features.Root_Circleg1.Text = root_Circleg1.ToString

what it addendum and dedendum?they didn't get value assignment..

It couldnt solve at first because there was no valuse assigned after i shifted the equations necessary to solve for the addendum it worked fine :-)

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