please I need your help inthis program because I do not under stand what does he want and I didn't under stand the array so please help me
Write a function named "eliminate_duplicates" that takes an array of integers in random order and eliminates all the duplicate integers in the array. The function should take two arguments:
(1) an array of integers;
(2) an integer that tells the number of cells in the array.
The function should not return a value, but if any duplicate integers are eliminated, then the function should change the value of the argument that was passed to it so that the new value tells the number of distinct integers in the array. Here is an example. Suppose the array passed to the function is as shown below, and the integer passed as an argument to the function is 11.
Index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Array 58 26 91 26 70 91 70 58 58 66 58
Then the function should alter the array so that it looks like this:
Index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Array 58 26 91 70 66 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
and it should change the value of the argument so that it is 5 instead of 11 . The question marks in the cells after the 5th cell indicate that it does not matter what numbers are in those cells when the function returns.
thank you