Below is a program that determines if one address comes before another address using classes. One constructor takes an apartment parameter and the other doesn't. My errors are invalid conversion from int to const and among others. Any ideas?

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib>

using namespace std;

class Address

        Address(int h, string st, int appt, string c, string s, string pc);
        Address(int h, string st, string c, string s, string pc);
        bool comes_before(Address a) const;
        void print() const;

        int house_number;
        string street;
        int apartment_number;
        string city;
        string state;
        string postal_code;

Address::Address(int h, string st, int appt, string c, string s, string pc)
        // initialization of the variables
        house_number = h;
        street = st;
        apartment_number = appt;
        city = c;
        state = s;
        postal_code = pc;

Address::Address(int h, string st, string c, string s, string pc)

        // initialization of the variables
        house_number = h;
        street = st;
        city = c;
        state = s;
        postal_code = pc;
void Address::print()const

        cout << house_number << " " << street;
        if (apartment_number > 0 )
                cout << ", #" << apartment_number << endl;
                cout << city << ", " << state << ", " << postal_code << endl;

bool Address::comes_before( Address other)const

        return postal_code < other.postal_code;


int main()
        //creating an object of 'Address' for a house
        Address aHouse(100, "N.University Dr.", "Edmond", "OK", 73034);

        //creating another object of 'Address' for an apartment
        Address anApartment(201, "N.E. 89th St.", 305, "Oklahoma City", "OK", 73134);

        cout << " Comparing Address\n\n";

        cout << "\nwith address\n\n";



                cout << "\nThe HOUSE address comes before the APARTMENT address\n";
                cout << "\nThe HOUSE address does o come before the APARTMENT address\n";

        // comparing again

        if (anApartment.comes_before(aHouse))

                cout << " \nThe APARTMENT address comes before the HOUSE address\n";
                cout << " \nThe APARTMENT address does not come before the HOUSE address\n";

        return 0;

<< moderator edit: added code tags: [code][/code] >>

muzammiilrehman commented: calendar project using classes +0

figured it out was using a string in the class for zip code instead of int.

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