Below is my code to calculate interest and balances and how many months to get there. However, my months calculations are way off by the thousands. Any idea?


using namespace std;

class Account
        Account (double bal);
        void deposit(double amount);
        void withdraw(double amount);
        double get_balance() const;
        void add_interest(double rate);

        double balance;

Account::Account(double bal)
        balance = bal;

void Account::deposit(double amount)
        balance +=amount;

void Account::withdraw (double amount)
        if ( balance >= amount)
                balance -= amount;
                balance -= 5.00;  // Charge a $5.00 penalty fee if attempting to withdraw more than balance.

double Account::get_balance()const
        return balance;

void Account::add_interest(double rate)
        balance *= ( 1 + (rate/100.0));

int main()

        cout << " Enter initial investment: ";
        double initial_investment;
        cin >> initial_investment;

        cout << " Enter annual interest rate in percentage: ";
        double rate_in_percentage;
        cin >> rate_in_percentage;

        double monthly_rate = rate_in_percentage/100.0/12.0;
        double final_amount = 2 * initial_investment;

        Account my_account(initial_investment);

        int months = 1;

        // one iteration of the loop corresponds to one month

        while ( my_account.get_balance()<final_amount)

        cout << " It took " << months << " months for $ " << initial_investment <<
                " to double at " << rate_in_percentage << "% annual interest. \n";

        cout << " Account balance: " << my_account.get_balance() << "\n";

        return 0;

Show us the values you are entering and your output..

Show us the values you are entering and your output..

Below is the values and the output:

[hs001@cs hs001]$ g++ p6-5.cpp
[hs001@cs hs001]$ a.out
Enter initial investment: 1000
Enter annual interest rate in percentage: 5
It took 16637 months for $ 1000 to double at 5% annual interest.
Account balance: 2000.01
[hs001@cs hs001]$

Below is the values and the output:

[hs001@cs hs001]$ g++ p6-5.cpp
[hs001@cs hs001]$ a.out
Enter initial investment: 1000
Enter annual interest rate in percentage: 5
It took 16637 months for $ 1000 to double at 5% annual interest.
Account balance: 2000.01
[hs001@cs hs001]$

Now here is what the correct output should be. the professor supplied the main program but I had to create the class to work with his main program. I am not getting the correct output yet.

Enter initial investment: 1000
Enter annual interest rate in percentage: 5
It took 168 months for $1000 to double at 5% annual interest.
Account balance: 2002.48

figured it out. the calculation for the add_interest member function was wrong. It should have been

balance*= (1 + (12*(rate/12.0)));


You're dividing your interest rate by 100.0 twice.

Show us the values you are entering and your output..

figured it out. the calculation for the add_interest member function was wrong. It should have been

balance*= (1 + (12*(rate/12.0)));


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