Hi, I am trying to do my project but I am stuck. It looks like a big project but it is not. here is the question : I am given sample output of rectangles and some code. I need to add few free functions to make the outout like that

Sample output :

Initial rects - notice the automatic initialization!




After creating new rects




Changing border for myArray[0]
&******** &

Changing fill for myArray[1]

Changing border & fill for myArray[2]
? ?
? ?
? ?

Changing fill for all rects




here is the header file []

class Rect  
   Rect(int length = 1, int width = 1);  
   int perimeter();  
   int area();  
   void display();  
   void setFillCharacter(char);  
   void setBorderCharacter(char);  
   int length;  
   int height;  
   char fillChar;  
   char borderChar;  

here is the code I have written so far :

# include <iostream>
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;

#include "rect.h"

void displayAll (Rect someArray [], int length);
void changeAllFill(Rect someArray[], int length, char ch);
int longestPerimeter(Rect someArray [], int length);

   Rect (int length =1 ; int width =1)
	   length = 1;
	   width = 1;

   int rect:: perimeter()
	   int length;
	   int width;
	   return length * width;

   int rect:: area ()
	   int length;
	   int width;
	   return length*width;

   void rect:: display()
	   for(int i = 0 ;i <length;i++)
		   for(int j =0; j < width ; j++)
			   if((i==0)||(i ==(length-1)) ||(j==0) ||(j==(width-1))

   void rect:: setFillCharacter (char cr)
	   fillChar = cr;

   void rect:: setBorderCharacter ( char chr)
	   borderChar = chr;

   int main()

     const int NUMRECTS = 4;
     Rect myArray [NUMRECTS];

   // Wow, all rect objects are initialized!!!!
   cout << "Initial rects - notice the automatic initialization!" << endl;
   displayAll(myArray, NUMRECTS);

   // Assign some new ones and display again
   myArray[0] = Rect(10,3);
   myArray[1] = Rect(4,6);
   myArray[2] = Rect(7,5);
   cout << "After creating new rects" << endl;
   displayAll(myArray, NUMRECTS);

   cout << "Changing border for myArray[0]" << endl;

   cout << "Changing fill for myArray[1]" << endl;

   cout << "Changing border & fill for myArray[2]" << endl;
   myArray[2].setFillCharacter(' ');

   cout << "Changing fill for all rects" << endl;
   changeAllFill(myArray, NUMRECTS, '#');
   displayAll(myArray, NUMRECTS);

   cout << "The longest perimeter is: " << longestPerimeter(myArray, NUMRECTS) << endl;


   void displayAll ( Rect someArray [] , int length)
	   for(int i = 0 ;i<length; i++)

   void changeAllFill(Rect someArray[], int length ,char ch)
	   for(int i = 0; i<length ; i++)
		   for(int j = 0 ; j<width ; j++)
         if((!i==0) ||(!i==(length-1)) || (!j==0) || (!j ==(width-1)))

Seems like my changeall Fill() function and displayAll() function is not working!
Please help me to rewrite this code:

OMG I take it you haven't even attempted to compile that code because it is just littered with errors. Fix the errors then come back to us, post new code and questions. I started to make some corrections but gave up not because I didn't know how to correct them but because it isn't work my time and effort when it is obvious you haven't bothered to do your job.

Hey I compile the program and have no errors however it is not outputting anything. Here is the new code :_

class Rect
   Rect(int length = 1, int width = 1);
   int perimeter();
   int area();
   void display();
   void setFillCharacter(char);
   void setBorderCharacter(char);
   int length;
   int height;
   char fillChar;
   char borderChar;
# include <iostream>
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;

#include "rect.h"

void displayAll (Rect someArray [], int length);
void changeAllFill(Rect someArray[], int length, char ch);
//int longestPerimeter(Rect someArray [], int length);

Rect::Rect (int length,int width)
	   length = 1;
	   height = width;
	   fillChar = '*';
	   borderChar = '+';

   int Rect:: perimeter()
	   return 2*(length + height);

   int Rect:: area ()
	   return length*height;

   void Rect:: display()
	   for(int i = 0 ;i <length;i++)
		   for(int j =0; j < height ; j++)
			   if((i==0)||(i ==(length-1)) ||(j==0) ||(j==(height-1)))

   void Rect:: setFillCharacter (char cr)
	   fillChar = cr;

   void Rect:: setBorderCharacter ( char chr)
	   borderChar = chr;

   int main()

     const int NUMRECTS = 4;
     Rect myArray [NUMRECTS];

   // Wow, all rect objects are initialized!!!!
   cout << "Initial rects - notice the automatic initialization!" << endl;
   displayAll(myArray, NUMRECTS);

   // Assign some new ones and display again
   myArray[0] = Rect(10,3);
   myArray[1] = Rect(4,6);
   myArray[2] = Rect(7,5);
   cout << "After creating new rects" << endl;
   displayAll(myArray, NUMRECTS);

   cout << "Changing border for myArray[0]" << endl;

   cout << "Changing fill for myArray[1]" << endl;

   cout << "Changing border & fill for myArray[2]" << endl;
   myArray[2].setFillCharacter(' ');

   cout << "Changing fill for all rects" << endl;
   changeAllFill(myArray, NUMRECTS, '#');
   displayAll(myArray, NUMRECTS);

  // cout << "The longest perimeter is: " << longestPerimeter(myArray, NUMRECTS) << endl;


   void displayAll ( Rect someArray [] , int length)
	   for(int i = 0 ;i<length; i++)

   void changeAllFill(Rect someArray[], int length ,char ch)
	   for(int i = 0; i<length ; i++)

Ok that compiles without errors/warnings now. The problem the display function doesn't work is because the Rect class constructor is wrong. Here is one way to correct it

Rect::Rect (int len,int width)
	   this->length = len;
	   this->height = width;
	   this->fillChar = '*';
	   this->borderChar = '+';

wow! its workin' YAY
Thanks a lot

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