Is it possible to set 4 80x86 processors up each of the registers EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX storing 32 bits of a 256 bit variable?

Wrong forum christico80. Post your question in hardware forum. Welcome to Daniweb btw!

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Welcome aboard..

Cheers thunderstorm!

commented: Thanks +3

.model flat, stdcall

extrn FetchKeyString: PROC
extrn FetchValue: PROC
extrn ExitProcess: PROC

KeyPartString DW 4 DUP(?)

call FetchKeyString
mov KeyPartString,AX
mov KeyPartString+2,BX
mov KeyPartString+4,CX
mov KeyPartString+6,DX

This is what I am starting off with at the moment. Doesn't work obviously but its a start point.

Before I forget hello everyone!

Hi welcome to Daniweb friend :)

Glad to have you with us!

moved to ASM forum.

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