Okay, so I am creating a password storage system. I have everything but a few last functions.
I need to be able to search for different sites and view all sites in a choicebox. for editting. I've tried a few different things but I just can't get it. the first set of code is the actual coding, and the second set is the simpleDB.py program that I'm using with it.
Thanks for any help.
# Password Storage System
from easygui import *
from simpleDB import *
############ LIBRARY SECTION - DO NOT EDIT ########################
## create a new user account
def createLogin():
#prompt for new account information
while 1:
inputs = multpasswordbox("Please Choose", "ID Manager", ["Login ID", "Login Password"])
if len(inputs[0]) < 8 or len(inputs[1]) < 8: #too short id or password
msgbox("UserID and password must be at least 8 characters long." +
"Password must contain at least" +
"1 digit, 1 upper-case letter and 1 lower-case letter")
continue #repeat the prompt
if inputs[0] == inputs[1] : #id and password can't be the same
msgbox("UserID and password should not be the same")
continue #repeat the prompt
digit = 0
cap = 0
lower = 0
password = inputs[1]
#validating password format
i = 0
while i < len(password) :
if password[i] >= 'A' and password[i] <= 'Z':
cap = cap + 1
if password[i] >= 'a' and password[i] <= 'z':
lower = lower + 1
if password[i] >= '0' and password[i] <= '9':
digit = digit + 1
i = i+ 1 #check the next character
#let's see if we have the password int he right format
if cap > 0 and lower > 0 and digit > 0:
break # right format => stop checking
msgbox("Password must contain at least 1 digit, 1 upper-case letter and 1 lower-case letter")
#everything is good, let's reprompt for the login information
i = 3
while i > 0 :
inputs2 = multpasswordbox("Please provide login information again for verification purpose",
"ID Manager", ["User ID", "Password"])
if inputs2[0] == inputs[0] and inputs2[1] == inputs[1] :
msgbox("Unmatched login information")
i = i - 1
else: #terminate the loop without executing the break
msgbox("You have repeatedly entered invalid information. Good bye!")
#now check with the database to make sure the id is not taken
for user in getUsers():
if user[0] == inputs2[0]:
msgbox(user[0] + ' has been taken. Please choose a different login ID')
return createLogin()
# everything is good, return the obtained loginID and login password
return inputs2
############################## END OF LIBRARY SECTION #############################
# print out user object
def printObj(obj):
msgbox( "Login ID:" + obj.get('login ID') +
'\nLogin Password: ' +obj.get('login password') +
'\nName: ' +obj.get('name') +
'\nEmail Address: '+ obj.get('email') +
'\Home Phone: '+ obj.get('home phone') +
'\nWork Phone: '+ obj.get('work phone') +
'\nHome Address: '+ obj.get('home address') +
'\nWork Address: '+ obj.get('work address'), '\nYour Information for Verification')
#====== Main Program ======#
#=== Start putting your codes from here ======#
#get all pairs of loginID and loginPass into a list
users = getUsers()
choice = None #starting with no choice
if len(users) > 0: #there are some user in the database
choice = buttonbox("Please choose", "ID Manager", ["New Account", "Login"])
if len(users)<= 0 or choice == "New Account":
while 1:
loginInfo = createLogin() # create an login account
userid = loginInfo[0] # get the entered login ID
password = loginInfo[1] #get the entered login password
#create a new user here
newUser = createUser(userid, password)
if newUser:
#prompt for personal information and update the new user with these information
userInfo = multenterbox("Please provide the following information", "ID Manager",
["Name", "Email", "Work phone", "Home phone",
"Work address", "Home address"] )
newUser.update('name', userInfo[0])
newUser.update('email', userInfo[1])
newUser.update('work phone', userInfo[2])
newUser.update('home phone', userInfo[3])
newUser.update('work address', userInfo[4])
newUser.update('home address', userInfo[5])
#display the input for verification
# Repeated prompting for EXIT or NEW SITE:
sites =[]
while 1:
choice = buttonbox('Please Choose', 'Adding new Site', ['New Site', 'Exit'])
if choice == 'Exit' :
exitWithSave() #if EXIT: save the data and exit
#if NEW SITE: prompts for information and add them (update) into this user
siteInfo = multenterbox('Please enter site information', 'Adding Site',
['Site Desc','site login','site password'])
elif choice == "Login":
i = 3
while i > 0: # allow 3 tries
loginInfo = multpasswordbox('Log in', "ID Manager", ["Login ID", "Login Password"])
user = getUserInfo(loginInfo[0])
if user:
if loginInfo[1] == user.get('login password'):
i = i -1
else: #too many invalid attempts
msgbox("\nYou have too many attempts. Goodbye!")
# if we get here, the user must have provided us with a valid login information
while 1:
storedInfo = buttonbox("Update Information", "ID Manager", ["EDIT", "SEARCH", "VIEW", "EXIT"])# ask if the user want to EDIT, SEARCH, VIEW, or EXIT the stored information
if storedInfo== "EDIT":# if EDIT is chosen:
userInfo = multenterbox("Please Make Any Changes Necessary Below", "ID Manager",["Name", "Password", "Email", "Work phone", "Home phone","Work address", "Home address"],
[user.get('name'), user.get('password'), user.get('email'), user.get('work phone'), user.get('home phone'), user.get('work address'), user.get('home address')])
user.update('name', userInfo[0])
user.update('password', userInfo[1])
user.update('email', userInfo[2])
user.update('work phone', userInfo[3])
user.update('home phone', userInfo[4])
user.update('work address', userInfo[5])
user.update('home address', userInfo[6])
elif storedInfo=="SEARCH": #if search is chosen:
keyword= enterbox('Enter Keyword', 'Search')
if keyword in 'sites':
msgbox('please say hello')
elif storedInfo=="VIEW": #if VIEW is chosen:
if len(sites)>0:
#**********# site id : site password : site description
##*******#if the user clicks on any of this choice, show the selected site information for editing
print hello
elif storedInfo=="EXIT":
else: #unhandled cases
import os.path
import pickle
from xml.dom import minidom, Node
DATABASE = None #database root
#simple xor encryption to the fisrt character
def __encryptXOR__(text):
#return text
data = []
if len(text) <= 0:
return ''
i = 1
while i < len(text):
e = ord(text[i]) ^ ord(text[0])
i += 1
return ''.join(data)
#open a file, read its contain and return the content
def __loadFile__(fileName):
lines =[] # a list of all lines
openFile = open(fileName, 'rb')
#read the content into a list
if openFile:
lines = ''.join(openFile.readlines(os.path.getsize(fileName)))
openFile.close() #close the file
return __encryptXOR__(''.join(lines))
#save the given string into a file
def __saveFile__(data):
data = __encryptXOR__(data)
if len(data) > 0:
newFile = file(DATABASE_NAME, "w")
# save the data and exit
def exitWithSave():
#indicate if the data file exists
def __databaseExists__(fileName):
return os.path.exists(fileName)
#read an xml database and return the root node
def __readDB__(fileName, createNew=0):
if createNew: #create new database
DATABASE = minidom.parseString("<db></db>")
s = __loadFile__(fileName) #load the data file as a string
DATABASE = minidom.parseString(s)
#class representing a user
class User:
def __init__(self, node):
self.__user__ = node
#get the data of a given field with tag name
def get(self, tagName):
if tagName == 'sites':
#retrieve account information
for acct in self.__user__.getElementsByTagName("site"):
desc = __getNodeData__(acct, "desc")
id = __getNodeData__(acct, "id")
passwd = __getNodeData__(acct, "pass")
accounts.append([desc, id, passwd])
return accounts
else: #return the data of the given field
return __getNodeData__(self.__user__, tagName);
# store this user back to the xml dom tree
def update(self, tagName, value):
tagName = __formatTagName__(tagName)
if tagName != 'SITES' and tagName != 'LOGINID': #can't change loginID
#update top level field
__setNodeData__(self.__user__, tagName, value)
else: #update the sites
#drop the sites element
element = self.__user__.getElementsByTagName('SITES')
if element:
#create a new sites node
sites = __newNode__('sites', '')
for item in value: #scan each site
site = __newNode__('site', '')
site.appendChild(__newNode__("desc", item[0]))
site.appendChild(__newNode__("id", item[1]))
site.appendChild(__newNode__("pass", item[2]))
sites.appendChild(site) #add the site to the list of sites
#add the sites back to the user
# print '\nAfter update' + self.__user__.toprettyxml()
# format tagname
def __formatTagName__(tagName):
tagName = tagName.upper() #convert to upper case
tagName =tagName.replace(' ','') #remove blank
tagName = tagName.replace('-','')
tagName = tagName.replace('_','')
return tagName
def __newNode__(tagName, value):
tagName = __formatTagName__(tagName)
node = DATABASE.createElement(tagName)
return node
# return whether the given id is in the database
def __uniqueIDExist__(tagName, newID):
tagName = __formatTagName__(tagName)
for eID in root.childNodes:
existingID = __getNodeData__(eID, tagName)
# print 'comparing ' + existingID + 'with '+ newID
# raw_input()
if existingID == newID:
return True
return False
#given a node, return its text data
def __getNodeData__(node, tagName):
tagName = __formatTagName__(tagName) #convert to upper case
data = ""
element = node.getElementsByTagName(tagName)
if element: #if exists then extract data
for childNode in element[0].childNodes:
if childNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE:
data += childNode.data
return data
#change the value of a node
def __setNodeData__(node, tagName, value):
tagName = __formatTagName__(tagName)
value = value.strip()
element = node.getElementsByTagName(tagName)
if element: #if exist, update it
for childNode in element[0].childNodes:
if childNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE:
childNode.data = value
else: #create a new node
node.appendChild(__newNode__(tagName, value))
## ===========Starting Database API ============
#return a list of loginID and loginPass
def getUsers():
info = []
#no database, create a new one and return empty list
if not __databaseExists__(DATABASE_NAME):
__readDB__(DATABASE_NAME, 1)
return info
#open database and extract information
userTag = __formatTagName__('user')
for user in root.getElementsByTagName(userTag):
userID = __getNodeData__(user, "loginID")
password = __getNodeData__(user, "loginPassword")
#add these to the list
return info
#get all information about a given user
def getUserInfo(userID):
#print '\nin get user info ', root.toprettyxml()
tagName = __formatTagName__('user')
for user in root.getElementsByTagName(tagName):
ID = __getNodeData__(user, "loginID")
#found the user, build a user object and return
if userID == ID:
return User(user)
#creating a new user with the given id and password
def createUser(loginID, password):
#make sure there is no duplicate id in the database
if __uniqueIDExist__('loginID', loginID):
#print 'ID: '+ loginID + ' exists'
return None
user = __newNode__("user", '')
user.appendChild(__newNode__('loginID', loginID))
user.appendChild(__newNode__('loginPassword', password))
root = DATABASE.getElementsByTagName("db")[0]
root.appendChild(user) #add the user to the database
return User(user)