Hello Everybody,
If I'm a Java Newbie I am even more hopeless in VB... I'm using the Trial version of VB 8.
I need to find out why am I getting an InvalidCastException on the line in red... I tried taking the .Text out but then it won't recognize it. Please help!!
Dim nombre As String, seguroSocial As String
Dim horas As Integer, pagoHora As Integer
Dim comision As Integer, dss As Integer, dpm As Integer
Dim salarioBruto As Integer, salarioNeto As Integer
nombre = txtNombreEmpleado.Text
seguroSocial = txtNumeroSeguroSocial.Text
[B]pagoHora = txtPagoPorHora.Text[/B]
horas = txtHorasTrabajadas.Text