I am doing programming with c++ and I want to save an exe file from server side to client side through c++.Client and server both are in LAN and server has all access of client machine.can any buddy help me to solve this problem?

I want to use c++ language to complete this task.Please reply me.

what operating system? If MS-Windows you can call win32 api function CopyFile() to copy the file from one computer to the other by specifying the full path including drive letter in the filename parameter.

Thank you very much.
I am working on windows xp machine and IDE is dev c++. Could you please give me some code or example how I will do?

I want to save exe file on client machine.After saving I want to run that exe at client side and want to take result back on server side.

Thank you very much.
I am working on windows xp machine and IDE is dev c++. Could you please give me some code or example how I will do?

CopyFileEx() link here

I want to save exe file on client machine.After saving I want to run that exe at client side and want to take result back on server side.

Sorry, don't know the answer to that.

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