I'm a super newbie at VB and I'm trying to write a very simple math program. The program is supposed to do some arithmetic and display the results, piece of cake. The problem lies in displaying the results. I have no clue how to do it. I went surfing online for the answer before posting here, hopefully this will be the end of the road. Here is what I've done so far:
Private Sub Resultados_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Resultados.Click
Dim nombre As String, seguroSocial As String
Dim horas As Integer = Val(txtHorasTrabajadas.Text)
Dim pagoHora As Double = Val(txtPagoPorHora.Text)
Dim comision As Integer, dss As Integer, dpm As Integer
Dim salarioBruto As Integer, salarioNeto As Integer
nombre = txtNombreEmpleado.Text
seguroSocial = txtNumeroSeguroSocial.Text
salarioBruto = horas * pagoHora
If salarioBruto >= 350 Then
comision = salarioBruto * 0.15
End If
If salarioBruto < 350 Then
comision = salarioBruto * 0.08
End If
dss = salarioBruto * 0.07
dpm = salarioBruto * 0.03
salarioNeto = salarioBruto + comision - dss - dpm
End Sub