I'm getting this error: term does not evaluate to a function taking 1 arguments on the bolded and underlined parts of this code. I know this code isnt that great...has some extra stuff it doesnt need, but I'm working on that. This is pretty much the first program I've made in C++, other then one or two small ones for assignments.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
using std::string;
using namespace std;
int main()
int random = rand();
int money = 100;
int bet;
bool correctbet = false;
int Hcard[10];
int ccard[10];
string hroyal[10];
string croyal[10];
int totalace = 0;
int totalace2 = 0;
int numcards;
int totalh = 0;
int totalc = 0;
bool correctcards = false;
int move;
bool quit = false;
bool done = false;
bool hace = false;
bool cace = false;
bool down = false;
while(correctcards == false && quit == false){
hace = false;
std::cout << "Enter 0 to quit. Do you want one or two cards?" << std::endl;
std::cin >> numcards;
if(numcards == 0)
quit = true;
else if(numcards < 0){
std::cout << "You Can not have less then one card!" << std::endl;
else if (numcards <= 2){
correctcards = true;
std::cout << "You can not have more then two cards!" << std::endl;
if(quit != true){
while(correctbet == false){
if(money >= 20){
std::cout << "You have $" << money << ". Mininum bet is $20. How much do you want to bet?" << std::endl;
std::cin >> bet;
if(money >= 20 && (bet < 20 && bet >= 0))
std::cout << "The mininum bet is $20!" << std::endl;
if(money < 20)
std::cout << "You have $" << money << ". Mininum bet is changed to $0. How much do you want to bet?" << std::endl;
std::cin >> bet;
correctbet = true;
else if(bet < 0)
std::cout << "You can not bet less then zero!" << std::endl;
correctbet = false;
else if(bet > money)
std::cout << "You do not have that much!" << std::endl;
correctbet = false;
money -= bet;
correctbet = true;
//users cards
std::cout << "Your cards: " << std::endl;
//royal cards
for(int i = 0; i < numcards; i++)
[B][U]Hcard[i] = 1 + random(10);[/U][/B]
if(Hcard[i] == 10){
[B][U]int ran = 1+random(16);[/U][/B]
if(ran == 1 || ran == 2 || ran == 3 || ran == 4)
hroyal[i] = "J";
totalh += 10;
std::cout << hroyal[i] << " ";
else if(ran == 5 || ran == 6 || ran ==7 || ran == 8)
hroyal[i] = "Q";
totalh += 10;
std::cout << hroyal[i] << " ";
else if(ran == 9 || ran == 10 || ran == 11 || ran == 12)
hroyal[i] = "K";
totalh += 10;
std::cout << hroyal[i] << " ";
else if(ran == 13 || ran == 14 || ran == 15 || ran == 16)
Hcard[i] = 10;
totalh += 10;
std::cout << Hcard[i] << " ";
//regular cards
else if(Hcard[i] == 1)
[B][U]int ran = 1+ran(8);[/U][/B]
if(ran == 1 || ran == 2 || ran == 3 || ran == 4)
Hcard[i] = 1;
std::cout << Hcard[i] << " ";
totalh += 1;
hroyal[i] = "A";
std::cout << "Your new card: " << hroyal[i] << ". You can chooe it to be a 1 or 11 later. ";
hace = true;
totalh += Hcard[i];
std::cout << Hcard[i] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
//options hit, stay, double down
while(move != 2)
std::cout << "\nYou have " << totalh << "\n1: hit \n2: stay \n3: double down" << std::endl;
std::cin >> move;
case 1:
Hcard[numcards+1] = 1 + ran(10);
if(Hcard[numcards+1] == 10){
[B][U]int ran = 1+ran(16);[/U][/B]
if(ran == 1 || ran == 2 || ran == 3 || ran == 4)
hroyal[numcards+1] = "J";
totalh += 10;
std::cout << "Your new card: " << hroyal[numcards+1] << std::endl;
else if(ran == 5 || ran == 6 || ran ==7 || ran == 8)
hroyal[numcards+1] = "Q";
totalh += 10;
std::cout << "Your new card: " << hroyal[numcards+1] << std::endl;
else if(ran == 9 || ran == 10 || ran == 11 || ran == 12)
hroyal[numcards+1] = "K";
totalh += 10;
std::cout << "Your new card: " << hroyal[numcards+1] << std::endl;
else if(ran == 13 || ran == 14 || ran == 15 || ran == 16)
Hcard[numcards+1] = 10;
totalh += 10;
std::cout << "Your new card: " << Hcard[numcards+1] << std::endl;
else if(Hcard[numcards+1] == 1)
[B][U]int ran = 1+ran(8);[/U][/B]
if(ran == 1 || ran == 2 || ran == 3 || ran == 4)
Hcard[i] = 1;
std::cout << "Your new card: " << Hcard[i] << " ";
totalh += 1;
hroyal[i] = "A";
std::cout << "Your new card: " << hroyal[i] << ". You can chooe it to be a 1 or 11 later." << std::endl;
hace = true;
totalh += Hcard[numcards+1];
std::cout << "Your new card: " << Hcard[numcards+1] << std::endl;
case 2:
move = 2;
//double down
case 3:
down = true;
money -= bet;
bet = bet*2;
Hcard[numcards+1] = 1 + ran(10);
if(Hcard[numcards+1] == 10){
[B][U]int ran = 1+ran(16);[/B][/U]
if(ran == 1 || ran == 2 || ran == 3 || ran == 4)
hroyal[numcards+1] = "J";
totalh += 10;
std::cout << "Your new card: " << hroyal[numcards+1] << std::endl;
else if(ran == 5 || ran == 6 || ran ==7 || ran == 8)
hroyal[numcards+1] = "Q";
totalh += 10;
std::cout << "Your new card: " << hroyal[numcards+1] << std::endl;
else if(ran == 9 || ran == 10 || ran == 11 || ran == 12)
hroyal[numcards+1] = "K";
totalh += 10;
std::cout << "Your new card: " << hroyal[numcards+1] << std::endl;
else if(ran == 13 || ran == 14 || ran == 15 || ran == 16)
Hcard[numcards+1] = 10;
totalh += 10;
std::cout << "Your new card: " << Hcard[numcards+1] << std::endl;
else if(Hcard[numcards+1] == 1)
[B][U]int ran = 1+ran(8);[/U][/B]
if(ran == 1 || ran == 2 || ran == 3 || ran == 4)
Hcard[i] = 1;
std::cout << "Your new card: " << Hcard[i] << " ";
totalh += 1;
hroyal[i] = "A";
std::cout << "Your new card: " << hroyal[i] << ". You can chooe it to be a 1 or 11 later.";
hace = true;
totalh += Hcard[numcards+1];
std::cout << "Your new card: " << Hcard[numcards+1] << std::endl;
move = 2;
std::cout << "Error: Not a command" << std::endl;
if(totalh > 21)
std::cout << "Bust! You have " << totalh << "!" << std::endl;
move = 2;
else if(totalh == 21)
std::cout << "You got 21!!"<< std::endl;
move = 2;
move = 0;
if(hace == true)
std::cout << "You have " << totalh << ". Do you want the ace to be 1 or 11?" << std::endl;
std::cin >> totalace;
totalh += totalace;
//computers cards
std::cout << "Computer's cards: ";
while(done == false){
//royal cards
for(int x = 0; x < 1; x++)
[B][U]ccard[x] = 1 + ran(10);[/U][/B]
if(ccard[x] == 10){
int ran = 1+ran(16);
if(ran == 1 || ran == 2 || ran == 3 || ran == 4)
croyal[x] = "J";
totalc += 10;
std::cout << croyal[x];
else if(ran == 5 || ran == 6 || ran ==7 || ran == 8)
croyal[x] = "Q";
totalc += 10;
std::cout << croyal[x];
else if(ran == 9 || ran == 10 || ran == 11 || ran == 12)
croyal[x] = "K";
totalc += 10;
std::cout << croyal[x];
//regular cards
else if(ran == 13 || ran == 14 || ran == 15 || ran == 16)
ccard[x] = 10;
totalc += 10;
std::cout << ccard[x];
else if(ccard[i] == 1)
int ran2 = 6; //+ ran(8);
if(ran2 == 1 || ran2 == 2 || ran2 == 3 || ran2 == 4)
ccard[i] = 1;
totalc += 1;
std::cout << ccard[i];
else if(ran2 == 5|| ran2 == 6|| ran2 == 7|| ran2== 8){
croyal[x] = "A";
cace = true;
std::cout << croyal[x];
totalc += ccard[x];
std::cout << ccard[x];
if(totalc > 21){
std::cout << std::endl << "Computer busted!" << std::endl;
done = true;}
else if(totalc == 21)
done = true;
else if(totalc < 15)
ccard[x] = 1 + ran(10);
else if(totalc >= 15)
done = true;
std::cout << " ";
done = false;
std::cout << std::endl;
if(cace == true)
if(totalc > 10)
totalc +=1;
if(totalc <= 10){
totalc += 11;
if(totalc > 21 && totalh > 21)
std::cout << "I have " << totalc << " and you have " << totalh << " so we both lost :(" << std::endl;
else if(totalc > 21){
std::cout << "I have " << totalc << " and you have " << totalh << " so you win!" << std::endl;
money += bet*2;
else if(totalh > 21)
std::cout << "I have " << totalc << " and you have " << totalh << " so I win!" << std::endl;
if(down == true)
money -= bet;
else if(totalc == totalh)
std::cout << "I have " << totalc << " and you have " << totalh << " so we draw" << std::endl;
money += bet;
else if(totalc > totalh)
std::cout << "I have " << totalc << " and you have " << totalh << " so I win!" << std::endl;
if(down == true)
money -= bet;
else if(totalc < totalh)
std::cout << "I have " << totalc << " and you have " << totalh << " so you win!" << std::endl;
money += bet*2;
std::cout << "You have $" << money << std::endl;
totalh = 0;
totalc = 0;
correctcards = false;
correctbet = false;
while(money > 0 && quit == false);
if(money <=0){
std::cout << "You lost!!" << std::endl;
std::cout << "You ended with: $" << money << "!!" << std::endl;
return 0;