I am trying to save a picture from a website ever hour. Can this be done?
can anyone help me out?

It can be done. Do you know the name of the file? Is it always in the same location (namewise)?

here is the code

import urllib2
import webbrowser
import os

picture_page = "http://oxblue.com/client/flatironmanson/i35_800x600.jpg"

opener1 = urllib2.build_opener()
page1 = opener1.open(picture_page)
my_picture = page1.read()

import time

while 1:
if time.strftime("%M") == "45":
filename = "my_i35" + picture_page[-4:]
fout = open(filename, "wb")

So i guess the answer to your question is yes. Im thinking that if I can make the name of the file somehow incorporate the time and date that it would work. i just have not figured out how to do that yet

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