Hello all, I have been working with the playsound() function in Visual Studio 2005, and find myself coming up short in getting it to work. I have recieved many compile errors, and never successfully have gotten it to function.

I am using VC++ console application, WITHOUT a precompiled header. My main form is too long to list, but here is the code that is runable.

#include <iostream> /* Basic STD*/
#include <string>/* For words */
#include <fstream> /* Save/load data*/
#include <cctype> /*Learned from another project, typing*/
#include <ctime> /* random generator */
#include <cstdlib>  /* random generator */
#include <windows.h>
//#include <winmm.lib>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <conio.h>

using namespace std ;

int main()
return 0 ;

I recieve this error:

1>main2.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__PlaySoundW@12 referenced in function _main
1>F:\RP MX\#Source Code#\Debug\RPG.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

If I use this code

#include <iostream> /* Basic STD*/
#include <string>/* For words */
#include <fstream> /* Save/load data*/
#include <cctype> /*Learned from another project, typing*/
#include <ctime> /* random generator */
#include <cstdlib>  /* random generator */
#include <windows.h>
//#include <winmm.lib>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <conio.h>

using namespace std ;

int main()
PlaySound("test.wav", NULL, SND_ALIAS | SND_APPLICATION);
return 0 ;

I receive this error:

1>f:\rp mx\#source code#\rpg\main2.cpp(82) : error C2664: 'PlaySoundW' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'const char [9]' to 'LPCWSTR'
1> Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast


#include <iostream> /* Basic STD*/
#include <string>/* For words */
#include <fstream> /* Save/load data*/
#include <cctype> /*Learned from another project, typing*/
#include <ctime> /* random generator */
#include <cstdlib>  /* random generator */
#include <windows.h>
//#include <winmm.lib>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <conio.h>

using namespace std ;

int main()
return 0 ;

This error:

1>f:\rp mx\#source code#\rpg\main2.cpp(82) : error C2660: 'PlaySoundW' : function does not take 1 arguments

Please, anyone who helps me, please use a basic code to help. I cannot understand non-namespace, or any other advanced coding schemes. Thank you. -Keith

You need to tell the IDE to link with the Winmm.lib library also, so open
Project/Properties/Configuration Properties/Linker/Input
and append winmm.lib in the Additional Dependencies field.

Also, use the first block of code you've tried, i.e.


You need to tell the IDE to link with the Winmm.lib library also, so open
Project/Properties/Configuration Properties/Linker/Input
and append winmm.lib in the Additional Dependencies field.

Also, use the first block of code you've tried, i.e.


10 freaking points dude! Thank you so much!

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