Hi, im using a code snippet found on this website,


A simplistic program to compute the volume of a cylinder when its radius and length are input via MyInput.class

code snippet donated to daniweb by: cscgal ( all code snippets bycscgal )

views: 52

syntax language: java122

package cylindervolume;
public class CylinderVolume
        public static void main(String args[])
                double pi = 3.14;
                double radius, length;
                System.out.print("Please enter radius of cylinder: ");
                radius = MyInput.readDouble();
                System.out.print("Please enter length of cylinder: ");
                length = MyInput.readDouble();
                System.out.print("Volume = " + (radius*radius*pi*length));

i studied visual basic last semester at university very hard, and know im struggling again with java. Programming is the only module that i struggle with. All of the others, website management, ssadm i can do with ease but this is just imposible to me. So any help would be very appreciated. As well as the volume i have to calculate the surface are, set the height, set the radius of the base and set the center of the base.

Any ideas?

Many thanks.

what exactly are you needing help with?

As well as calculating the volume of the cylinder which is already in this sample of code, i have to calculate the surface area, set the height, set the radius of the base, and set the center of the base.

When you say that you want to set the radius and stuff, do you mean that you want user input?

Yes, so that all of the other calculations that are being asked work as well ans coinsine with each other.

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