i have to make the C++ program that will have the user input some test grades and exam grades and their personal info then output their stuff in the end. i have almost the whole thing done, but i would compile it throws up a list of 30 erros and i am having troble with it. i think it looks good but im still not all that good with this stuff please help. here is the code
[*]#include <iostream>
[*]#include <string>
[*]using namespace std;
[*]class Grade
[*] string firstName;
[*] string lastName;
[*] int idNum;
[*] int numHomeworks;
[*] int numExams;
[*] int listSize;
[*] int score;
[*] int grades;
[*] void getStudentInfo();
[*] void getExamGrades(grades, Grade::numExams);
[*] void getHWGrades(grades, Grade::numExams, listSize);
[*] void calcTotalPoints(grades, listSize);
[*] void calcLetterGrade();
[*] void displayInfo();
[*] void setID(int id);
[*] void setScore(int grades);
[*] void setExams(int exams);
[*] void setName(string fn, string ln);
[*] Grade(string, string, int, int, int, int);
[*]Grade::Grade(string fn, string ln, int id, int grades; int exams, int listSize)
[*] firstName = fn;
[*] lastName = ln;
[*] idNum = id;
[*] grades = grades;
[*] numExams = exams;
[*] listSize = listSize;
[*]void Grade::setID(int id)
[*] idNum = id;
[*]void Grade::setScore(int grades)
[*] grades = grades;
[*]void Grade::setExams(int exams)
[*] numExams = exams;
[*]void Grade::setName(string fn, string ln)
[*] firstName = fn;
[*] lastName = ln;
[*]void Grade::getStudentInfo()
[*] cout << "First Name: " << endl;
[*] cin >> firstName;
[*] cout <<"Last Name: " <<endl;
[*] cin >> lastName;
[*] cout <<"ID: "<<endl;
[*] cin >>idNum;
[*]void Grade::getExamGrades(grades, Grade::numExams)
[*] cout <<"Score for Exam #1: "<<endl;
[*] cin >> numExams;
[*] cout <<"Score for Exam #2: "<<endl;
[*] cin >> numExams;
[*]void Grades::getHWGrades(grades, Grade::numExams, listSize)
[*] cout <<"Score for Homework #1: "<<endl;
[*] cin >> grades;
[*] cout <<"Score for Homework #2: "<<endl;
[*] cin >> grades;
[*] cout <<"Score for Homework #3: "<<endl;
[*] cin >> grades;
[*] cout <<"Score for Homework #4: "<<endl;
[*] cin >> grades;
[*] cout <<"Score for Homework #5: "<<endl;
[*] cin >> grades;
[*] cout <<"Score for Homework #6: "<<endl;
[*] cin >> grades;
[*] cout <<"Score for Homework #7: "<<endl;
[*] cin >> grades;
[*] cout <<"Score for Homework #8: "<<endl;
[*] cin >> grades;
[*] cout <<"Score for Homework #9: "<<endl;
[*] cin >> grades;
[*] cout <<"Score for Homework #10: "<<endl;
[*] cin >> grades;
[*]void Grade::calcTotalPoints(grades, listSize)
[*] grade*10+numExams*2=score
[*]void Grade::calcLetterGrade();
[*] if (score < 59)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is F" << endl;
[*] }
[*] if (score == 60)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is D" << endl;
[*] }
[*] if (score == 69)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is D" << endl;
[*] }
[*] if (score == 68)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is D" << endl;
[*] }
[*] if (score == 67)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is D" << endl;
[*] }
[*] if (score == 66)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is D" << endl;
[*] }
[*] if (score == 65)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is D" << endl;
[*] }
[*] if (score == 64)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is D" << endl;
[*] }
[*] if (score == 63)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is D" << endl;
[*] }
[*] if (score == 62)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is D" << endl;
[*] }
[*] if (score == 61)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is D" << endl;
[*] }
[*] if (score == 70)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is C" << endl;
[*] }
[*] if (score == 71)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is C" << endl;
[*] }
[*] if (score == 72)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is C" << endl;
[*] }
[*] if (score == 73)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is C" << endl;
[*] }
[*] if (score == 74)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is C" << endl;
[*] }
[*] if (score == 75)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is C" << endl;
[*] }
[*] if (score == 76)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is C" << endl;
[*] }
[*] if (score == 77)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is C" << endl;
[*] }
[*] if (score == 78)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is C "<< endl;
[*] }
[*] if (score == 79)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is C" << endl;
[*] }
[*] if (score == 80)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is B" << endl;
[*] }
[*] if (score == 81)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is B" << endl;
[*] }
[*] if (score == 82)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is B" << endl;
[*] }
[*] if (score == 83)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is B" << endl;
[*] }
[*] if (score == 84)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is B" << endl;
[*] }
[*] if (score == 85)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is B" << endl;
[*] }
[*] if (score == 86)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is B" << endl;
[*] }
[*] if (score == 87)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is B" << endl;
[*] }
[*] if (score == 88)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is B" << endl;
[*] }
[*] if (score == 89)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is B" << endl;
[*] }
[*] if (score > 90)
[*] {
[*] cout << " Letter grade is A" << endl;
[*] }
[*]void Grade::displayInfo()
[*] cout<<"-----Grade Report-----"<<endl;
[*] cout<<"Student #: "<<idNum<<endl;
[*] cout<<"Name: "<<firstName<<" "<<lastName<<endl;
[*] cout<<"Total Points: "<<score<<endl;
[*] cout<<"Grade: "<<myGrade.calcLetterGrade<<endl;
[*]void main()
[*] Grade myGrade; // declare a Grade object
[*] const int listSize = Grade::numExams + Grade::numHomeworks; // determine array size
[*] int grades[listSize]; // create array
[*] myGrade.getStudentInfo();
[*] // Prompt for and obtain first name, last name, and id
[*] // Ensures that the value entered for id is exactly 4 digits
[*] myGrade.getExamGrades(grades, Grade::numExams);
[*] // Prompts for and reads in the exam scores
[*] // Ensures that exam scores are not less than zero
[*] myGrade.getHWGrades(grades, Grade::numExams, listSize);
[*] // Prompts for and reads in the homework scores
[*] // Ensures that homeworks scores are greater than zero and less than 26
[*] myGrade.calcTotalPoints(grades, listSize);
[*] // Calculates total points (data member)
[*] // Prompts for and obtains office visit value (and includes it in total points)
[*] myGrade.calcLetterGrade();
[*] // Determines letter grade (data member)
[*] myGrade.displayInfo();
[*] // Outputs all data member values (with formatting text)
If you see any errors ar anyway that i could get this to compile please let me know. i would really apreciate it. thanks
P.S. i also attached both the .cpp file and the compiler output tex file aswell.