I have a VBS that I using to create a phone list..I've posted quite a few questions relating to it on these forumns, and have been getting some good feed back, so I thought I'd post one last question. I have a list of names that is pulled from my Active Directory, and I have found a way to alphabetize them (using a bubble sort). The names are in an array which I populated with only the first name and last name of the user, however my form is sorted by other attributes of the account...so question 1 is do I lose all the other attributes of the record that is being pulled when I place them in the array? and question 2 is how would I use the entries of the array in my if statement that is nested within a case statement?
Here is a sample of the code that I am using...
Dim oUser
Dim arrNames()
intSize = 0
For Each oUser In oCont
' start bubble sort
ReDim preserve arrNames(intsize)
arrNames(intsize) = oUser.SN & ", " & oUser.GivenName
intSize = intSize + 1
For i = (UBound(arrNames) - 1) to 0 Step -1
For j= 0 to i
If UCase(arrNames(j)) > UCase(arrNames(j+1)) Then
strHolder = arrNames(j+1)
arrNames(j) = StrHolder
End If
'end bubble sort, now all names are in alphabetical order by last name
Select Case LCase(oUser.Class)
Case "user"
If oUser.telephoneNumber <> "" then
If oUser.physicalDeliveryOfficeName = "Wixom" then
If oUser.department = "Engineering" then
sdata = "<tr>"
sdata = sdata & "<td class='list'>" & oUser.GivenName & " " & oUser.SN & "</td>"
sdata = sdata & "<td class='list'>" & oUser.telephoneNumber & "</td>"
sdata = sdata & "</tr>"
wixEng(wixEngRow) = sdata
'wixEngRow = wixEngRow
wixEngRow = wixEngRow + 1
end if