I'm having a terrible time understanding this for some reason. I'm supposed to be creating a Class to "Define four private instance variables to represent each property value
Use the above variables to define a constructor
Establish a property to correspond with each variable which allows user to set or get the variable's value"
For some reason, I'm just really confused on this. Any tips that anyone might have would be SO fantastic. Here's my code so far (hoping that it is right):
Public Class AccountInformationForm
Private clientObject As Client
Private clients(0 To 7) As Client ' Client object
Private position As Integer = 0 ' current account
' create array of Client objects
Private Sub AccountInformationForm_Load(ByVal sender As _
System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles MyBase.Load
Dim count As Integer ' counter variable
' array of first names
Dim firstName() As String = _
New String() {"John", "Sarah", "Jack", "Adam", "Diane", _
"David", "Kristin", "Jennifer"}
' array of last names
Dim lastName() As String = _
New String() {"Blue", "White", "Red", "Brown", _
"Yellow", "Black", "Green", "Orange"}
'array of account numbers
Dim account() As Integer = _
New Integer() {1234652, 1234666, 1234678, 1234681, _
1234690, 1234770, 1234787, 1234887}
' array of account balances
Dim balance() As Decimal = _
New Decimal() {Convert.ToDecimal(1000.78), _
Convert.ToDecimal(2056.24), Convert.ToDecimal(978.65), _
Convert.ToDecimal(990.0), Convert.ToDecimal(432.75), _
Convert.ToDecimal(780.78), Convert.ToDecimal(4590.63), _
' loop and create 10 Client objects
For count = 0 To clients.GetUpperBound(0)
' create new object and store into Client array
clients(count) = New Client(firstName(count), _
lastName(count), account(count), _
End Sub ' AccountInformationForm_Load
' display next object
Private Sub nextButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles nextButton.Click
position += 1 ' increment position
' if position is last (top) object
If position > clients.GetUpperBound(0) Then
position = 0 ' set to first position in array
DisplayInformation() ' display information
End If
End Sub ' nextButton_Click
' display previous object
Private Sub preveiousButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles previousButton.Click
position -= 1 ' decrement position
' if position is last (bottom) object
If position < 0 Then
' set to last position in array
position = clients.GetUpperBound(0)
DisplayInformation() ' display information
End If
End Sub ' previousButton_Click
' display information
Private Sub DisplayInformation()
' use Position as index for each object
firstTextBox.Text = clients(position).First
lastTextBox.Text = clients(position).Last
accountTextBox.Text = _
' format as currency
balanceTextBox.Text = _
String.Format("{0:C}", clients(position).Balance)
End Sub ' DisplayInformation
End Class ' AccountInformationForm
Public Class Client
Private First As String
Private Last As String
Private Account As Integer
Private Balance As Decimal
End Class