hey Iwant to convert from interger to character
char num[1000];
what is wrorng whith this form??
warning : warning C4996: 'strrev' was declared deprecated
I can't understand this warning
Hope Help me

strrev is deprecated (OLD OLD OLD)


int num = 5; // number
char buffer[1000]; // this is where the integer is converted to

itoa(num, buffer, 10);

Iwork with C++ not C#
Is there is addiference between these two langueges when Iwork at aprogram

C# is a Microsoft language, part of the .NET family.

I know ,,the heder file of itoa is
#include<stdlil.h>.. correct or not?..
strrev() reverse the statment but iguess that itoa() don't make it?

If this is C++, best to avoid functions like sprintf.

If your ints are one digit, you can add '0' to them to make them char.
If they are multidigit, you can convert them to a C++ string like this.

#include <sstream>
#include <string>

int i = 32;
std::ostringstream ostr;
ostr << i;
std::string s = ostr.str();

first thankss for helping but it doesnot reverse the number
say iwant the output ,,, 23
you understand me

try this to reverse the string then use itoa, wsprintf, typecast etc to convert to an int

DWORD __fastcall ReverseString(char* sz)
	return *(DWORD*)(&sz);

(yes that only works with numbers up to four digits, else you need a for loop(or use a QWORD)

first thankss for helping but it doesnot reverse the number
say iwant the output ,,, 23
you understand me

You'll have no problem there, you have the World Wide Web at your fingertips and it contains
countless examples of how to reverse strings.

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