Can anyone tell me in simple terms how to create a class Library in VS 2003. It does not have that as an option when you go to add it. Any info would be appreciated. I went in and changed this :
ApplicationIcon = ""
AssemblyKeyContainerName = ""
AssemblyName = "Ch12Ex5ClassLibrary"
AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile = ""
AssemblyOriginatorKeyMode = "None"
DefaultClientScript = "JScript"
DefaultHTMLPageLayout = "Grid"
DefaultTargetSchema = "IE50"
DelaySign = "false"
OutputType = "Library"
OptionCompare = "Binary"
OptionExplicit = "On"
OptionStrict = "Off"
RootNamespace = "Ch12Ex5ClassLibrary.dll"
StartupObject = ""

Is there something I have to do after that and how do i get it to show a dll extension?

I figured it out on my own.

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