mstarks67 0 Newbie Poster

I have to somehow add a search function to my code. I have figured out how to add the search button and the text box next to it. The action event for the search button is currently the same as the event for the Next button. I need to change the action to that of a search function for the DVD array that will search for a title in the array and display the results. The JButton is "search", the editable text field is "Search" How do I tie the button action with the text field input with the result being displayed? Below is the code for my GUI.

class ButtonFrame extends JFrame
   private JButton nextJButton; // button with icons
   private JButton prevJButton; // button with icons
   private JButton lastJButton; // button with icons
   private JButton firstJButton; // button with icons
   private JButton addJButton; // button with just text
   private JButton deleteJButton; // button with just text
   private JButton modifyJButton; // button with just text
   private JButton saveJButton; // button with just text
   private JLabel logoLabel;
   private JButton searchJButton; //Feeble attempt at a search function
   //private JTextField space1;
   //private JTextField lblSearch; // text field with set size
   private JTextField txtSearch; // text field constructed with text
   private JTextField lblGenre; // text field with set size
   private JTextField txtGenre; // text field constructed with text
   private JTextField lblItemNum; // text field with set size
   private JTextField txtItemNum; // text field constructed with text
   private JTextField lblTitle; // text field with set size
   private JTextField txtTitle; // text field constructed with text
   private JTextField lblQuantity; // text field with set size
   private JTextField txtQuantity; // text field constructed with text
   private JTextField lblUnitPrice; // text field with set size
   private JTextField txtUnitPrice; // text field constructed with text
   private JTextField lblRestockFee; // text field with set size
   private JTextField txtRestockFee; // text field constructed with text
   private JTextField lblItemValue; // text field with set size
   private JTextField txtItemValue; // text field constructed with text
   private JTextField lblInventoryValue; // text field with set size
   private JTextField txtInventoryValue; // text field constructed with text

  // Just keeping an a class variable to keep count of where I am in the array
  //  keeping a class variable of the myPlayer array that I passed
  Genre[] arrayDVDs;
  private int currentArrayCounter;
  private int arrayCount;
  private String invTotal;

   // ButtonFrame adds JButtons to JFrame
   public ButtonFrame(Genre[] inventory, int totalArrayCount, String stringInventoryTotal)

      super( "Movie Inventory" );
      arrayDVDs = inventory;

      // setting the local passed variable totalArrayCount
      // to the class variable arrayCounter so I can see it in the setTextfields method
      arrayCount = totalArrayCount;
      currentArrayCounter = 0;
      // Setting the current array position to 0

      setLayout( new FlowLayout() ); // set frame layout
     // Load the next and previous icons
      Icon logo = new ImageIcon( getClass().getResource( "logo.jpg" ) );
      Icon iconNext = new ImageIcon( getClass().getResource( "forward.gif" ) );
      Icon iconPrev = new ImageIcon( getClass().getResource( "back.gif" ) );
      Icon iconLast = new ImageIcon( getClass().getResource( "last.gif" ) );
      Icon iconFirst = new ImageIcon( getClass().getResource( "first.gif" ) );
      logoLabel = new JLabel("",logo,SwingConstants.LEFT);

     // construct Label Fields with default text and 15 columns
	  searchJButton = new JButton( "Search" );
	  //space1.setEditable( false ); // disable editing
	  add( searchJButton );
	  txtSearch = new JTextField( "", 15 );
	  txtSearch.setEditable( true ); // disable editing
	  add( txtSearch );
	  lblItemNum = new JTextField( "Item Number", 15 );
	  lblItemNum.setEditable( false ); // disable editing
	  add( lblItemNum );
	  txtItemNum = new JTextField("",  15 );
	  add( txtItemNum ); // add txtItemNum to JFrame
	  lblGenre = new JTextField( "Genre", 15 );
	  lblGenre.setEditable( false ); // disable editing
	  add( lblGenre );
	  txtGenre = new JTextField("",  15 );
	  add( txtGenre ); // add txtGenre to JFrame
	  lblTitle = new JTextField( "Title", 15 );
	  lblTitle.setEditable( false ); // disable editing
	  add( lblTitle );
	  txtTitle = new JTextField("",  15 );
	  add( txtTitle ); // add txtTitle to JFrame
	  lblQuantity = new JTextField( "Quantity", 15 );
	  lblQuantity.setEditable( false ); // disable editing
	  add( lblQuantity );
	  txtQuantity = new JTextField("",  15 );
	  add( txtQuantity ); // add txtQuantity to JFrame
	  lblUnitPrice = new JTextField( "Unit Price", 15 );
	  lblUnitPrice.setEditable( false ); // disable editing
	  add( lblUnitPrice );
	  txtUnitPrice = new JTextField("",  15 );
	  add( txtUnitPrice ); // add txtUnitPrice to JFrame
	  lblRestockFee = new JTextField( "Restocking Fee", 15 );
	  lblRestockFee.setEditable( false ); // disable editing
	  add( lblRestockFee );
	  txtRestockFee = new JTextField("",  15 );
	  add( txtRestockFee ); // add txtRestockFee to JFrame
	  lblItemValue = new JTextField( "Total Item Value", 15 );
	  lblItemValue.setEditable( false ); // disable editing
	  add( lblItemValue );
	  txtItemValue = new JTextField("",  15 );
	  add( txtItemValue ); // add txtItemValue to JFrame
	  lblInventoryValue = new JTextField( "Total Inventory Value", 15 );
	  lblInventoryValue.setEditable( false ); // disable editing
	  add( lblInventoryValue );
	  txtInventoryValue = new JTextField(invTotal,  15 );
	  add( txtInventoryValue ); // add txtInventoryValue to JFrame
      // construct textfield with default text

     // Create the buttons
      nextJButton = new JButton( "Next", iconNext ); // button with Next
      prevJButton = new JButton( "Prev" , iconPrev ); // button with Next
      lastJButton = new JButton( "Last", iconLast ); // button with Next
      firstJButton = new JButton( "First" , iconFirst ); // button with Next
      addJButton = new JButton( "Add" ); //button with add function
      deleteJButton = new JButton( "Delete" ); //button with delete
      modifyJButton = new JButton( "Modify" ); //button with modify
      saveJButton = new JButton( "Save" ); //button with save
      add(firstJButton ); // add iconJButton to JFrame
      add(prevJButton);  // add iconJButton to JFrame
      add(nextJButton ); // add plainJButton to JFrame
      add(lastJButton);  // add iconJButton to JFrame
      add(addJButton);  // add textJButton to JFrame
      add(deleteJButton);  // add textJButton to JFrame
      add(modifyJButton);  // add textJButton to JFrame
      add(saveJButton);  // add textJButton to JFrame

      // create new ButtonHandler for button event handling
      ButtonHandler handler = new ButtonHandler();
      searchJButton.addActionListener( handler );
      firstJButton.addActionListener( handler );
      prevJButton.addActionListener( handler );
      nextJButton.addActionListener( handler );
      lastJButton.addActionListener( handler );
      addJButton.addActionListener( handler );
      deleteJButton.addActionListener( handler );
      modifyJButton.addActionListener( handler );
	  saveJButton.addActionListener( handler );

      // Now I am going to call SetTextFields to set the text fields

   } // end ButtonFrame constructor

   // inner class for button event handling
   private class ButtonHandler implements ActionListener
      // handle button event
      public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )


         // See which button was pressed

       if (event.getActionCommand()== "Search"){
       else if (event.getActionCommand()== "Next"){
	   else if (event.getActionCommand()== "Prev"){
	   else if (event.getActionCommand()== "Last"){
	    currentArrayCounter = arrayCount-1;
	   else if (event.getActionCommand()== "First"){
	    currentArrayCounter = 0;
	   else if (event.getActionCommand()== "Add"){ //Adds 1 to quantity on hand
	   else if (event.getActionCommand()== "Delete"){  //Deletes 1 from quantity on hand
       else if (event.getActionCommand()== "Save") //Writes data to C:/data/inventory.dat
			FileOutputStream out;
			PrintStream p;
				String strDirectory = "c:/data";
				new File(strDirectory).mkdir();
				out = new FileOutputStream ("C:/data/inventory.dat");
				p = new PrintStream(out);
					for (int i = 0; i<= 5 - 1; i++)
						p.println("DVD Genre: " + arrayDVDs[i].getgenre()+"\n");
						p.println("DVD Title: " + arrayDVDs[i].gettitle()+"\n");
						p.println("Item Number: " + arrayDVDs[i].getitemnumber()+"\n");
						p.println("Stock Level: " + arrayDVDs[i].getquantity()+"\n");
						p.println("DVD Price: $" + arrayDVDs[i].getunitprice()+"\n");
			catch (Exception e)


       } // end method actionPerformed
   } // end private inner class ButtonHandler

private void setTextFields ()
	// Make sure you havent gone past the end of the array
 if (currentArrayCounter == arrayCount)
	 currentArrayCounter = 0;

 // Make sure you havent gone past the first  if so, set it to the last
 if (currentArrayCounter < 0)
 	 currentArrayCounter = arrayCount-1;

	NumberFormat n = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.US);   //Provides Locale appropriate currency format

	String stringRestockFee = n.format(arrayDVDs[currentArrayCounter].CalculateRestockFee());


} // end class ButtonFrame