struct gydytojas {
   int gydid, amzius, specialyb, telefonas, asmkod;
   String vardas;
   String pavarde;
   String adresas;
  friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const gydytojas& obj)
         os << obj.vardas.c_str()
            << obj.pavarde.c_str()
            << obj.adresas.c_str()
            << obj.gydid
            << obj.amzius
            << obj.specialyb
            << obj.telefonas
            << obj.asmkod;

         // Print the members to os like you would to cout

          return os;
  friend fstream& operator>>(fstream& fs, const gydytojas& obj)
        fs >> obj.vardas.c_str();
           >> obj.pavarde.c_str();
           >> obj.adresas.c_str();
           >> obj.gydid;
           >> obj.amzius;
           >> obj.specialyb;
           >> obj.telefonas;
           >> obj.asmkod;
      // reading code

      return fs;


gydytojas gydmas[100];

This code is in unit1.h

gydytojas pgyd;
bool pagalb = false;

int j=1;

fstream kd("Gydytojai.sed");
while (!kd.eof())      // Checking if the entry already exist;
 { if (gydmas[j].vardas==pgyd.vardas) {ShowMessage(L"Gydytojo id jau egzistuoja");
                                        pagalb=true;};      // if the entry exist, variable pagalb becomes true
ofstream fr("Gydytojai.sed");
 if (pagalb==false)  {gydmas[j+1]=pgyd; fr << gydmas[j+1];};
 // if variable pagalb false,  then the structure gydytojas is written to file as array

This code is unit1.cpp, as you see, im trying to search the exact id from the fields, which are written, but now i got the project error message. Before that, gydytojas.vardas field hasn't been recognized in code, so all the information was always written to file. Any suggestion why i get error message, and what way would be better?

What's the error message?

The error meesage says, that : "Access violation at address 0042FEA3 in mode 'Project2.exe'.Read of address 00000026

lines 21-30. The operator >>. When inputting std::string you don't use the c_str() method. There's how to code that

friend fstream& operator>>(fstream& fs, const gydytojas& obj)
        fs >> obj.vardas;
           >> obj.pavarde;
           >> obj.adresas;
           >> obj.gydid;
           >> obj.amzius;
           >> obj.specialyb;
           >> obj.telefonas;
           >> obj.asmkod;
      // reading code

      return fs;

lines 21-30. The operator >>. When inputting std::string you don't use the c_str() method. There's how to code that

friend fstream& operator>>(fstream& fs, const gydytojas& obj)
        fs >> obj.vardas;
           >> obj.pavarde;
           >> obj.adresas;
           >> obj.gydid;
           >> obj.amzius;
           >> obj.specialyb;
           >> obj.telefonas;
           >> obj.asmkod;
      // reading code

      return fs;

Yes, i made with that thing before putting c_str(), but if i did that i get an error in code: [C++ Error] Unit1.h(228): E2094 'operator>>' not implemented in type 'fstream' for arguments of type 'AnsiString'

what is AnsiScring ? Why are you not using normal std::string ? If AnsiString is something you created yourself then you need to write an overloaded >> operator for it so that you can use it with fstream. If you can't do that then use std::stream and assign AnsiString to it. You could also use c style character arrays.

Also -- remove the semicolons at the end of each of those lines.

friend fstream& operator>>(fstream& fs, const gydytojas& obj)
      std::string vardas;
      std::string pavarde;
      std::string adresas;
        fs >> vardas   // <<<<< remove this semicolon
           >> pavarde   // <<<<< remove this semicolon
           >> adresas   // <<<<< remove this semicolon

           >> obj.gydid  // <<<<< remove this semicolon
           >> obj.amzius  // <<<<< remove this semicolon
           >> obj.specialyb  // <<<<< remove this semicolon
           >> obj.telefonas  // <<<<< remove this semicolon
           >> obj.asmkod;
      // reading code

      obj.vardas = vardas;
      obj.pavarde = pavarde;
      obj.adresas = adresas;
      return fs;

obj must NOT be const because you intend to modify it, so use only plain
gydytojas& obj i.e. friend fstream& operator>>(fstream& fs, gydytojas& obj)

If gydytojas is const or not, i get this error:
[C++ Error] Unit1.h(232): E2285 Could not find a match for 'AnsiString::operator =(string)'
Full parser context
Unit1.cpp(10): #include D:\Programavimas\Galutinis\Unit1.h
Unit1.h(19): class TForm1
Unit1.h(276): decision to instantiate: fstream & operator >>(fstream &,TForm1::gydytojas &)
--- Resetting parser context for instantiation...
Unit1.h(227): parsing: fstream & operator >>(fstream &,TForm1::gydytojas &)

I take it comes from the following

obj.vardas = vardas;
obj.pavarde = pavarde;
obj.adresas = adresas;

You can workaround this by

// pass a const char * to AnsiString::operator =
obj.vardas = vardas.c_str();  
obj.pavarde = pavarde.c_str();
obj.adresas = adresas.c_str();

Ah, Hadn't any time those days, today i made all changes, but i get the same project error, if i i'm trying to write into file this thing..

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