Hello everyone,
I am completely new to this website and happened to have come across this while browsing.
I am stuck up in my project and just need some help.
I am developing a system for my client which is a non-profit organization htat run local trains in our area.
I am builiding a system that will help this organizations consumers travel with minimal hassel by making all information available viz a mobile phone.
My system will do the following:
The customer enter their starting point and end point, which needs processing to display the train nmber to board to reach their end point.
Also provide a graphical route that the train will take to reach the end point.
The organization also provides electricity in certain areas so consumers of that area can check their electiricty bill and units consumed.
The main problem is that i ma confused as to what platform to use WML or J2ME.
Also can WML be connected to my backend that is MySQL or Oracle.
Can i build dynamic pages in WML and handle event processing like taking user input of their start point and end point.(Is event processing a part of WML).
Please help me. Thank You
Abigail Venturi.