bhoot_jb 47 Junior Poster in Training

i am writing a code for a stack within stack...or nested stack...whatever..
in the code..and the mainstack is a stack of substack, which in turn, is a stack of integer data..

i thought of using class template for both the stacks - mainstack and substack..but am confused with how to use it..
the code for the template is as under :

template <class T>
class stack
	private :
		struct node
			T element;
			node *link;
		} *top;

	public :
		void push (T ele);
		T pop();
		void view();

template <class T>
stack<T> :: stack()
	top = NULL;

template <class T>
stack<T> :: ~stack()
	node *destroy;
	while ( top != NULL)
		destroy = top;
		top = top -> link;
		delete destroy;

template <class T>
void stack<T> :: push (T ele)
	node *newnode;
	newnode = new node;
	if (newnode == NULL)
		cout << "Stack overflow!" << endl;
	newnode -> element = ele;
	newnode -> link = top;
	top = newnode;

template <class T>
T stack<T> :: pop()
	if (top == NULL)
		cout << "Stack is empty." << endl;
		return NULL;
	T popped;
	popped = top->element;
	node *temp;
	temp = top;
	top = top -> link;
	delete temp;
	return popped;

template <class T>
void stack<T> :: view()
	node *temp = top;
	while (temp != NULL)
		cout << temp->element << endl;
		temp = temp -> link;

however my problem is how do i define the mainstack in main()?
it may be something like this :

// declaring an object of "mainstack" type
stack <substack> S;

where substack is the substack..but then how do i define substack class??
should it be like this ??

// if i dont define a mainstack class
class substack
   private :
       stack <int> s;
   public :
       //overloaded operaters << and >> and constructors ...blah..blah...

but i think this is not a proper way to work with...

another way i thought to work is to define class mainstack something like this :

// if i dont define a substack class
class mainstack
    private :
        stack <int> s;

but then here the template wont work properly...i am much confused here...
anyone there to guide me..???? waiting for helpful replies....
:( :|