Formdocs has given me the following code. What I am trying to accomplish is make the form undeleteable without a password. While the code kinda works all you have to do it select cancel and you can delete the record. any Ideas other than go back to class and pay attention

Const PW = "nimda"
Dim sInput As String

sInput = InputBox("Enter Password to Open: ")

If (sInput <> PW) Then


Msgbox ("Invalid password, cannot Open...")

Cancel = True

End If

Thanks in advance

so, what do you want?

Const PW = "nimda"
        Dim sInput As String

        sInput = InputBox("Enter Password to Open: ")

        If (sInput <> PW) Then
            MsgBox("Invalid password, cannot Open...")
            'code to delete record
        End If
commented: Good +1

what I would like is the record cannot be deleted unless the correct password is entered, also could I put this code in another event area and keep forms from opening without the correct password

If this question already solved please mark thread to Solved :)

No it has not been solved but I'm still trying

what the problem now?

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