private: delegate System::Void delegate_function(void);
AsyncCallback ^ac = gcnew AsyncCallback(&WCS::MainForm::delegate_function_callback);
delegate_function ^df = gcnew delegate_function(this, &WCS::MainForm::function_to_invoke);
System::IAsyncResult ^asyncresult;
//Begin invoke command here.
asyncresult = df->BeginInvoke(ac, df);
//asyncresult = this->statusLight->BeginInvoke(ac, df);
//df->DynamicInvoke(ac, df);
catch (...)
std::cerr << "caught";
public: System::Void function_to_invoke()
this->statusLight->BackColor = DataClass->getlight();
this->statusLight1->BackColor = DataClass->getight1();
this->butCheck->Enabled = DataClass->getenable();
this->status->Text = DataClass->getstatus(); //this line returns instead of finishing
this->status1->Text = DataClass->getstatus1();
private: static System::Void delegate_function_callback(System::IAsyncResult ^asyncresult)
//delegate_function ^df = gcnew delegate_function(&WCS::MainForm::function_to_invoke);
I am at my wits end with this. The invoke works the first time through, but when all this gets called again, it doesnt get past the line marked above in function_to_invoke. It also throws an exception after the first time. First time works perfect, half works any time after. Please help if you know anything, any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.