Hi There.
I'm fairly new to vb.net, and i've been battling with this for ages and ages. Up and till a point where i wanted to slit my wrists.
I scouted all over google, and i still couldn't find any solution. So i'm really hoping you guys can help me out here. I'd really appreciate it.
I've got a few files i need to include with my vb application in order to have it work sufficiently and without error. I've got an mdb database, a few text files and a few dll files.
Now, my first problem is, that when i build and run the application, everything works great; exactly as it should. But when i publish my vb application, run the setup file, and then run the app, i get the following error: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Could not find file 'C:\Users\admin`\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0\RG2AM4KN.N3Q\1QVM5LL9.GOO\test..tion_9fa9db93dabd8b22_0001.0000_67986ff05357f122\database.mdb'
Appart from the file not existing, why does my application install to the AppData directory?
Isn't there a way i can have my application installed to the C:\Program Files directory instead?
That's the main issue i want to be able to sort at the moment, with the help of you guys.
So please, if possible, i'd really appreciate it if someone can help me out here.
Thank you in advance