I need to write a program with seven vectors. The program needs to have methods to input the data into vectors, display a menu to print a report and sell an item, a method to sell an item, and a method to print the report. This is what I have so far. I'm starting to get lost
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Ch10_GrpExercise
public static void main (String[] args) throws
int[] ItmIdList = new int[10];
String[]ItmNmeList = new String[10];
int[]PordrList = new int[10];
int[]InStreList = new int[10];
int[]PSldList = new int[10];
Double[]ManuPrceList = new Double[10];
Double[]SelPrceList = new Double[10];
Scanner inFile = new Scanner(new
inputData(inFile, ItmIdList, ItmNmeList, PordrList, InStreList, PSldList, ManuPrceList, SelPrceList);
sortData(ItmIdList, ItmNmeList, PordrList, InStreList, PSldList, ManuPrceList, SelPrceList);
public static void inputData(Scanner input, Vector<Integer> inpID, Vector<String> inpName,
Vector<Integer> inpOrdered, Vector<Integer> inpInStore,
Vector<Integer> inpSold, Vector<Double> inpManPrice,
Vector<Double> inpSellPrice)
int id;
String name;
int order;
double price, sellPrice;
while (input.hasNext())
id = input.nextInt();
name = input.nextLine();
order = input.nextInt();
price = input.nextDouble();
sellPrice = input.nextDouble();
inpID.addElement(new Integer(id));
inpOrdered.addElement(new Integer(order));
inpInStore.addElement(new Integer(order));
inpSold.addElement(new Integer(0));
inpManPrice.addElement(new Double(price));
inpSellPrice.addElement(new Double(sellPrice));
public static void printMenu()
int number;
int index;
System.out.println("Welcome to the Friendly Hardware Store");
System.out.println("To view our available items and their quantity, press 1");
number = console.nextint();
if (number = 2)
for (index = 0; index< inpName.length; index++)
System.out.print(" here is a current lisiting of items :" +inpName[index])
System.out.println("To sell an item, press 3");
System.out.println("To print a report, press 4");
// method to sell and item
public static void sellItem()
int item;
string name;
int sold;
int store;
System.out.println ("Enter item number: ");
int item = console.nextInt();
System.out.println ("Enter the item name: ");
String name = console.next();
System.out.println ("Enter quantity sold: ");
int sold = console.nextInt();
public int indexOf(Object item)
// method to print out the report
public static void printRpt()
String[] ItemName;
int[] pSold;
int i,j;
double manufPrice, sellingPrice;
double totInventory;
int totitems = 0;
int totinstore = 0;
system.out.println("--------------------Friendly Hardware Store"
+ "--------------------\n");
system.out.println ("ItemID " + " ItemName " + "pOrdered "
+ " pinStore " + " pSold " + " manufPrice " + " sellingPrice ")
System.out.printf(itemID[], ItemName[], pOrdered[],
pinStore[], pSold[], manufPrice[], sellingPrice[]);
for (i=0; i < pSold.length; i++)
totitems = totitems + pSold[i];
System.out.println ("Total inventory: " + totitems);
for (j=0; j < pinStore.length; j++)
totinstore = totinstore + pinStore[j];
System.out.println ("Total number of items in the store: " + totinstore);