Hi 2 all,

How to upload .doc file into SQLSERVER2005 in c# windows application and again how to retrive it from DataBase......
I want it only in Windows.....

Advace Thnxxxx

Use this sample http://fci-h.blogspot.com/2008/04/how-to-save-image-in-sql-server.html but modify it to work with documentation files, just read in FileStream


thnx 4 ur reply......i already tried this one usung FileStream but i didn't get.......ok..if i save the path of the doc file using FileStream then how to retrive the doc file into word document...i tried this using MemoryStream but i didn't get...
And also i had tried to save the doc file as a normal INSERT command....it sotres in DB but i saves only some lines....
ex: if i take one resume and saves this one in DB using INSERT command...it saves only top of the resume only........

Plz zz help me...............it's very urgent 4 me............

Advance Thnxxx

Make sure you are placing the file into an appropriate column type such as image.
see attachment. I did this for someone on this forum some months ago with the same question.

// Jerry

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