Hi guys,
I am trying to write C++ method to return a pointer to the parent of a particular node in binary tree, and for the root that doesn't have a parent should return NULL.
Here is my program so far:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Tree {
int data;
//int count;
Tree *leftptr, *rightptr;
bool lthread, rthread; // two new variables
Tree (int newthings, Tree *L, Tree *R);
~Tree(){ }
int RootData(){ return data;}
//int counting(){return count;}
Tree *Left(){ return leftptr;}
Tree *Right(){ return rightptr;}
//Tree *parent(Tree *T);
bool isEmpty(){ if(leftptr == NULL && rightptr==NULL){cout << "ok" << endl; return true;} return false;}
Tree::Tree(int newthings, Tree *L, Tree *R){
data = newthings;
//count = n;
leftptr = L;
rightptr = R;
//lthread = lt;
//rthread = rt;
Tree *parent(Tree *T,Tree *parenttree){
if(T == NULL) { return NULL;} //if the node is empty return
//if the node is parent tree
if(T == parenttree){
return T;
if(T < parenttree){
cout << "The tree with: " <<T->RootData() << " is the child of tree with value of: " << parenttree->RootData() << endl;
return parent(T->Left(), parenttree);
if(T > parenttree){
cout << "The tree with: " <<T->RootData() << " is the child of tree with value of: " << parenttree->RootData() << endl;
return parent(T->Right(), parenttree);
void recuinorder(Tree *T){
if(T == NULL){ return;}
cout << "Reccrusive inorder function" << endl;
cout << T->RootData() << endl;
void Tree::Insert(int item) {
// BST must already contain at least one item
if (item > data) { // move to the right
if (rightptr == NULL) {
rightptr = new Tree(item, NULL, NULL);
} else {
} else if (item < data) { // move to the left
if (leftptr == NULL) {
leftptr = new Tree(item, NULL, NULL);
} else {
} else if (item == data) { // should be unique
cout << "Error: key is not unique" << endl;
int main(){
Tree *a,*b,*mytree, *c;
c = new Tree(16,NULL,NULL);
a = new Tree(18,c,NULL);
b = new Tree(30, NULL,NULL);
mytree= new Tree(20,a,b);
parent(c, mytree);
//cout << << endl;
The program seems to work only when the 3 consist of 3 nodes e.g parent(a,mytree). but when theres extra leaf(s) or child under sub tree it doesn't work.
I would be really great if you can show me how to find the parent node of the node that is belong under subtree for e.g node c
Thanks heaps =D