I am trying to make a program that will take a list of words from a .txt file and add the alphabet to the end of each word.
the code i have just makes it read and re-read the first line. since each list will be different i cant just do
because each list will have different amounts of lines
the way i want to have it read is to get the first line, add a,b,c,d etc... to the end then goto the next line.
This is my code i have to get from file
(define (adder path)
(alpha-get "test.txt"))
(define (alpha)
(define (alpha-get dir)
(set! alpha
(list (with-input-from-file dir
(lambda ()
(display alpha)
(alpha-get "readsme.txt")))
im forgetting the add suffix for the moment as i know how to do that
can someone help me please. the procedure to get the files id alpha-get.
any help with higher order procedures that might do what i need would be great