#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
bool equalStrings (char[], char[]); //given here but must complete
// on midterm
int main()
char str1[80];
char str2[80];
cout << "Enter your first string: " << endl;
cout << "Enter your second string: " << endl;
if (equalStrings (str1, str2) ) //on mt fill in call
cout << "The two strings are identical." << endl;
cout << "The two strings are NOT identical." << endl;
//Write the function header and body of equalStings
Sample Runs;
Enter your first string; hello--- //-means blank
Enter you second string; hello
The two strings are NOT identical
Sample Runs;
Enter your first string; jon
Enter you second string; joN
The two strings are NOT identical
Sample Runs;
Enter your first string; jane doe
Enter you second string; jane doe
The two strings are identical