hi. im having problems with comparing a string and a string array. I know it should be as simple as something like if(str == strn[0]) and if this is true, it will go to that if block statement. I've tried all kinds of test already and it seems that whether it is a string or a string array it still does not satisfy even if they have the same string values. I wonder why. Here's my code by the way. I initially try to read from a database a certain column then started the comparison process.
string connString = @"server = .\sqlexpress;
integrated security = true;
database = mmda";
string sql = @"SELECT PlateNo FROM Records";
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connString);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn);
SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (rdr.Read())
if (rdr[0].ToString() != "")
strArray[ctr] = rdr[0].ToString();
foreach (string val in strArray)
if (val == txtBxPlate.Text)
else { MessageBox.Show("NOT!"); break; }
I've also tried:
if (txtBxPlate.Text == strArray[0]) MessageBox.Show("SAME!");
MessageBox.Show("NOT THE SAME!");
This still did not work. It only satisfies when it is compared to itself like
strArray[0] == strArray[0]
. Even if you manually compare it to a string. Say...
str1 = "hello"
to strArray[0] who also contains "hello." It still goes to the else statement. Can anyone help me with this? ='(