I have a little problem with two panels that are on top of eachother with the exact same Size.
What I am trying to do is with 2 buttons to choose wich panel that will be visible and not visible.
So what should happen is that only one panel can be seen at a time.
The Form starts with default panel43->Visible = true;
If I now press button37, panel41 will be seen but now when I press button36, both panels is Visible = false; it seems because I will see the background color of the Form, so no panels is Visible.
I might wonder what this could depend on...
private: System::Void button36_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
panel43->Visible = true;
panel41->Visible = false;
private: System::Void button37_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
panel41->Visible = true;
panel43->Visible = false;