#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "convert.h"

using namespace std;
int check(string);
int checkNo(string);
int checkMinSec(string);
string send(string);
int getTime(int);
string hr_str,final_time;

int main()
  int ch,result=2;
  int i=1,x,y,z,p,q,n;
  char tt[2],dd[5],ll[9],mm[5],nn[3];
  char xa[3];
  char choice;
          printf("\nEnter the Time in 24 hr Format");
          printf("\nE.g. 10:05:03 It shoud be in hh:mm:ss");

int getTime(int a)
       int result=2;
       string t_time,t_time1,t_time2,colon=":";
       char h[5],m[5],s[5];
       while(result !=1)
            printf("\nHour -> ");
            result= check(h);
           // cout<<"\nMain Fun"<<hr_str;
            t_time = hr_str;
           // cout<<"\nIn t_time"<<t_time;
          while(result !=1)
              printf("\nMinute -> ");
              result= checkMinSec(m);
          t_time1 = hr_str;
          //cout<<"\nIn t_time"<<t_time1;
          while(result !=1)
              printf("\nSecond -> ");
              result= checkMinSec(s);
          t_time2 = hr_str;
          //cout<<"\nIn t_time"<<t_time2;
             string asd=t_time+colon+t_time1+colon+t_time2;
             cout<<"\nYour Time->"<<asd<<"\n";

int check(string str)
         char *end_ptr;
         long long_var;
         int int_var,i=0;
       // char buff[2]=" ";
         char buff[str.size()];
     long_var = strtol(buff, &end_ptr, 0);
        if (ERANGE == errno)
            puts("number out of range\n");
        else if (long_var > INT_MAX)
            printf("%ld too large!\n", long_var);
        else if (long_var < INT_MIN)
            printf("%ld too small!\n", long_var);
        else if (end_ptr == buff)
            printf("not valid numeric input\n");
            return 2;
         #if 0
         else if ('\0' != *end_ptr)
                     printf("extra characters on input line\n");
            int_var = (int)long_var;
           // printf("The number %d is OK!\n", int_var);
            if( int_var>=0 &&  int_var<=9)
                 std::string str = "0" + stringify( int_var);
               //  printf("\n1 digit");
            else if( int_var>9 &&  int_var<24)
              //  printf("\n2 digit");
                 std::string str = stringify( int_var);
               //    cout<<"\n"<<str;
            else if(int_var>23)
                 printf("\nEnter correct value");
                 return 2;
             return 1;

string send(string aaa)
       //cout<<"\nin Fun"<<hr_str;

int checkMinSec(string str)
         char *end_ptr;
         long long_var;
         int int_var,i=0;
       // char buff[2]=" ";
        char buff[str.size()];
     long_var = strtol(buff, &end_ptr, 0);
        if (ERANGE == errno)
            puts("number out of range\n");
        else if (long_var > INT_MAX)
            printf("%ld too large!\n", long_var);
        else if (long_var < INT_MIN)
            printf("%ld too small!\n", long_var);
        else if (end_ptr == buff)
            printf("not valid numeric input\n");
            return 2;
         #if 0
         else if ('\0' != *end_ptr)
                     printf("extra characters on input line\n");
            int_var = (int)long_var;
           // printf("The number %d is OK!\n", int_var);
            if( int_var>=0 &&  int_var<=9)
                 std::string str = "0" + stringify( int_var);
                // printf("\n1 digit");
               //  cout<<"\n"<<str;
            else if( int_var>9 &&  int_var<60)
               // printf("\n2 digit");
                 std::string str = stringify( int_var);
                //   cout<<"\n"<<str;
            else if(int_var>23)
                 printf("\nEnter correct value");
                 return 2;
             return 1;


#include <iostream>
 #include <sstream>
 #include <string>
 #include <stdexcept>
 class BadConversion : public std::runtime_error {
   BadConversion(const std::string& s)
     : std::runtime_error(s)
     { }
 inline std::string stringify(double x)
   std::ostringstream o;
   if (!(o << x))
     throw BadConversion("stringify(double)");
   return o.str();

i m creating this for checking input validation
i.e. input valid or not?
When i m given input:--
Enter the Time in 24 hr Format
E.g. 10:05:03 It shoud be in hh:mm:ss
Hour -> 22

Minute -> 1

Second -> 1

It gives Error
exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
It gives Don't send problem??
How to resolve it??

This code is not even compiling. If you can post the correct-compiling code i can try to find the problem.

Your program is a confusing mixture between C and C++. It contains duplicate #include statements and you are using both cout and printf(). It looks like you took someone's C program and attempting to make it your own c++ by just adding cout and leaving all the rest of the C code.

As Angi said, you are going to have to post something that will compile cleanly before asking any questions about runtime errors.

Code is compiling.

i m also given convert.h .....
plz check out....

Code is compiling.

Which compiler are you using? E.g. char buff[str.size()]; should cause an error.

Code is compiling.

i m also given convert.h .....
plz check out....

What compiler are you using. Most c++ compilers issue error messages on lines like this: char buff[str.size()]; because the size of the character array must be a const value.

[edit]Oops! too late. :) [/edit]

and also when you have a funtion like

string send(string aaa)
       //cout<<"\nin Fun"<<hr_str;

that defines a return type as 'string' and returns nothing.

i m using dev c++ version

so plz tell me what is the solution for it??

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;

string getTime();
void printTime(const string& userTime);
bool checkMinSec(const string& userTime);
bool checkHour(const string& userTime);
int stringToInt(const string& tmpStr);

int main() {
	cout << "Enter the Time in 24 hr Format" << endl;
	cout << "E.g. 10:05:03 It shoud be in hh:mm:ss" << endl;
	string userTime;
	userTime = getTime();

string getTime() {
	bool valid = false;
	string userTime = "";
	while (!valid) {
		string tmpInpute;
		cout << "Hour -> ";
		getline(cin, tmpInpute);
		if (checkHour(tmpInpute)) {
			valid = true;
			userTime += tmpInpute + ':';
		} else {
			cout << "Not valid inpute" << endl << "Enter correct value" << endl;
	valid = false;
	while (!valid) {
		string tmpInpute;
		cout << "Minute -> ";
		getline(cin, tmpInpute);
		if (checkMinSec(tmpInpute)) {
			valid = true;
			userTime += tmpInpute + ':';
		} else {
			cout << "Not valid inpute" << endl << "Enter correct value" << endl;
	valid = false;
	while (!valid) {
		string tmpInpute;
		cout << "Second -> ";
		getline(cin, tmpInpute);
		if (checkMinSec(tmpInpute)) {
			valid = true;
			userTime += tmpInpute;
		} else {
			cout << "Not valid inpute" << endl << "Enter correct value" << endl;
	return userTime;

void printTime(const string& userTime) {
	cout << "Your Time->" << userTime << endl;

bool checkHour(const string& tmpStr) {
	if (tmpStr.size() > 2) {
		return false;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < tmpStr.size(); ++i) {
		if (!isalnum(tmpStr[i])) {
			return false;
	if (stringToInt(tmpStr) > 23) {
		return false;
	return true;

bool checkMinSec(const string& tmpStr) {
	if (tmpStr.size() > 2) {
		return false;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < tmpStr.size(); ++i) {
		if (!isalnum(tmpStr[i])) {
			return false;
	if (stringToInt(tmpStr) > 59) {
		return false;
	return true;

int stringToInt(const string& tmpStr) {
	int tmpInt = 0;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < tmpStr.size(); ++i) {
		tmpInt += (tmpStr[i] - '0');
		tmpInt *= 10;
	return tmpInt/10;

First of all: giving away free code in violation with the Daniweb rules.



int stringToInt(const string& tmpStr) {
	int tmpInt = 0;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < tmpStr.size(); ++i) {
		tmpInt += (tmpStr[i] - '0');
		tmpInt *= 10;
	return tmpInt/10;

I don't like that way of converting. It smells a bit 'C' to me.
How about:

#include <sstream>


 int stringToInt(const string& tmpStr) 
    std::istringstream strin(tmpStr);
    int i;
    strin >> i;
    return i;
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