Hi! I just started using Python yesterday and I have written a program that reads in a very large data file and rearranges the data so that it can be read into a different program. I am doing this for some engineering modeling simulations. I wanted to create an interface for it, so I started writing a GUI for Tk.

I do not understand how the even handlers work and I can't seem to hack it out by my internet findings. I would like to create 4 radio buttons (2 groups of 2) which provide the user with some options as well as an openfile and savefile. Then I want a button that based on the input of the other buttons, inserts the file names into my code and then "converts" the file using one of 4 codes based on those inputs. I will paste the code below.

I will also attach the necessary files (a smaller .csv file than I am using, however to save memory)

1). Conversion Code -- ftop.py

# This file is for converting Fluent .csv file to Polyflow.csv file in 3D

import psyco

import csv
import sys
import time

print "Running..."
secStart = time.time()

# Adds the header information for Polyflow
saveout = sys.stdout
temp = open("temp.dat","w")
temp.write("# \n")
temp.write("# \n")
temp.write("# \n")
temp.write("# \n")
temp.write("# \n")
temp.write("COORDINATES \n")

# Opens the Fluent .csv file for converting
file = open("quinn.csv","r")
first_line = file.next()
for line in file:	
	v = eval(line)
	x = (v)
	n,x,y,z,t = x
	sys.stdout = temp                                      
	# Prints out the coordinate data	
	print '%8d' % n,";",'%E' % x,";",'%E' % y,";",'%E' % z 		
 	sys.stdout = saveout                                         

# Adds the header information for the Temperatures
temp.write(" \n")
temp.write("TEMPERATURE \n")

# Opens the Fluent .csv file for converting again
file = open("quinn.csv","r")
first_line = file.next()
for line in file:	
	v = eval(line)
	x = (v)
	n,x,y,z,t = x
	sys.stdout = temp                                      
	# Prints out the temperature data	
	print '%8d' % n,";",'%E' % t
	sys.stdout = saveout                                        


print "Elapsed time: %f sec." % (time.time() - secStart)

2). The code I am trying to use to create the GUI-- radio.py

from Tkinter import *
from tkMessageBox import *
from tkColorChooser import askcolor              
from tkFileDialog   import askopenfilename    
from tkFileDialog   import asksaveasfilename   

class gui(Tkinter.tk):

master = Tk()

dim = StringVar()
trans = StringVar()

w = Label(master, text="Please Select Model Dimensions:")
Radiobutton(master, text="2D", variable=dim, value='2D').pack(anchor=W)
Radiobutton(master, text="3D", variable=dim, value='3D').pack(anchor=W)

w = Label(master, text="Please Select Translation Options:")
Radiobutton(master, text="Polyflow to Fluent", variable=trans, value='ptof').pack(anchor=W)
Radiobutton(master, text="Fluent to Polyflow", variable=trans, value='ftop').pack(anchor=W)

# I want this to define the filename currently named "quinn.csv" in the conversion code

def callback():	
	filename = askopenfilename() 
Button(text='Select source .csv File', command=callback).pack(fill=X)

# I want this to define the filename currently named "temp.dat" in the conversion code
def saveto():
	destination = asksaveasfilename()
Button(text='Select destination', command=saveto).pack(fill=Y)

# I want this to be an if statement like...
#	if dim == 3D and trans ==ftop3d.py  (i know this is not correct, but I just wanted to give the general idea)
Button(text = "Convert",command = 'exit').pack()


Please help me to understand what I am trying to do! Thanks for your help in advance!

Editor's note:
Please use the [code=python] and [/code] tag pair to enclose your python code.

On your class and Tkinter GUI code, I would recommend that you first get your feet wet on some smaller sample code. As it is now, it makes not much sense.

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