Hi Friends,
First thing is I want to say Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. for retriving me answer on my other question you guys are such a greate people.

Sory To Disturb you But I have One Big problem That i can't solve it :'(

I m creating A project, in this project i need to store Photo in access database using VB6 form
I creat one field PHOTO which datatype is OLE Object in access DB. And i put one picture box on my VB6 Form(EMP info).

I want to store photo using save button and display it on picture box, Even when i forward the next record i want to change photo in vb form

Please send me code of it.:sad:

And again thanks to read my question

you can use ado(advance data object) to store any type of data in any database management systeme onle use ado control and adocontrolname.recordset.field("fieldname or index number")=pictureboxname.picture or imageboxname.picture

you can use ado(advance data object) to store.........................

adocontrolname.recordset.field("fieldname or index number")=pictureboxname.picture or imageboxname.picture

You have posted a new defination of ADO .
which book you are reading man ???

your method is never going to work.

Please find related discussions here and here for store and retrival of images in database.

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