could someone show me how to read more then 1 line of text in a file and print it on the screen im kinda new at this tho i no how to do 1 line
using namespace std;
int main()
system("COLOR 5");
system("TITLE tempature converter");
double dfirstNumber, danswer, firstNumber, answer;
char f, c, k, operation, repeat, form, dform, doperation;
cout <<"\n\n\n\t \t \t \tINSTRUCTIONS \n \n First enter the number you will start with, then the form the number is in \n and lastly the form you want to convert to. this program also saves your what you do. to access this type open now \n \n c = celsius \n k = kalvin \n f = fahrenheit";
cin >> fileopen
if (fileopen == open){
ifstream fin ("data.txt");
fin >> dform >> doperation >> danswer;
cout << dfirstNumber << dform << danswer << doperation;
cout <<"\n \n \n \n Enter the number you will start with: ";
cin >> firstNumber;
cout <<"\n Enter the form of the number you have (c/f/k): ";
cin >> form;
cout <<"\n Now enter c, f, or k for what you want to convert to: ";
cin >> operation;
if (form == 'f') {
if (operation == 'c'){
cout <<"\n The answer is: ";
answer = ((firstNumber - 32) * 5 / 9);
cout << answer;
if (operation == 'k'){
cout <<"\n The answer is: ";
answer = ((firstNumber - 32) * 5/9 + 273.15);
cout << answer;
if (operation == 'f'){
cout <<"\n The answer is: ";
answer = firstNumber;
cout << answer;
if (form == 'c') {
if (operation == 'c'){
cout <<"\n The answer is: ";
answer = firstNumber;
cout << answer;
if (operation == 'f'){
cout <<"\n The answer is: ";
answer = (firstNumber * 9 / 5 + 32);
cout << answer;
if (operation == 'k'){
cout <<"\n The answer is: ";
answer = (firstNumber + 273.15);
cout << answer;
if (form == 'k') {
if (operation == 'k'){
cout <<"\n The answer is: ";
answer = firstNumber;
cout << answer;
if (operation == 'c'){
cout <<"\n The answer is: ";
answer = (firstNumber - 273.15);
cout << answer;
if (operation == 'f'){
cout <<"\n The answer is: ";
answer =((firstNumber - 273.15) * 9/5 + 32); //k - f
cout << answer;
if (!c,f,k)
cout <<"\n that wasn't c, f or k";
ofstream tempature("data.txt", ios::app);
tempature << firstNumber << " " << form << " " << answer << " " << operation << "\n";
cout <<"\n \n \n \t Do you want to convert another number (y,n): ";
cin >> repeat;
if (repeat == 'y'){
while (repeat == 'y');