Hey, I decided I should probably read a book to learn about C++ considering there are so many and etc :P.

My parents said they would buy it for me, but I just wanna make sure it is gunna actually be a book that will teach me alot and hopefully not be extremely confusing/boring.

I already read the sticky, but I would like more of a personal opinion of the book. So, I was wondering, off of personal opinion... Which would be the best for someone looking for...

  • work-your-way-up sort of learning, hopefully with real-code examples.
  • not too explained, but still enough to learn/understand.
  • hopefully not too boring, I like programming and exciting until I read a book about it. "Place your text here and it will do this function. This function is done because it is in your text at the top of the text editor. Grab your scroll bar and scroll up and you will notice your function is there. This function is used when called by your main sequence." That really bores the hell out of me X_X.
  • A very good overview of all of C++. I don't want to just learn the essential basics, I would also like to learn how to do some decently advanced operations.
  • If at all possible, hopefully it will describe/work with VC++ well.

So, hopefully some of you have actually read the books and know which one would be most useful...

-- I already have "The C Programming Language by Kernighan and Ritchie."

Thanks for reading :D.

Before buying a book

read this book, if you understand it, then that's ok, if not then try to find a good one to buy
This book is called (Learn C++ in 21 days)
to download it
[link removed]

I hope it'll be as simple as it is :)


Accelerated C++ by Koenig and Moo fits all of your requirements that aren't terribly subjective or reliant on a specific implementation. I think it's a fun read, but you might not. The code is standards compliant, which means it'll work on every compiler that conforms to the standard (Visual C++ is one of those, if it's newer than version 6.0).

I learned C++ from C++ for Dummies. I enjoyed it, but I've heard bad things about it because it has typos. I did notice a couple of typos when going through it, but it was nothing I couldn't bare or make sense of.

Still, there may be better books out there.

Thanks for the comments, how much would you personally reccommend "Beginning ANSI C++" by Ivor Horton?

My favoritest book has been C++ : how to program / H.M. Deitel, P.J. Deitel.

Accelerated C++ (by Koenig and Moo) is seconded.

I learned Java as my first programming language by reading Beginning Java by Ivor Horton. The book weights in at over 1000 pages. I found that an encyclopedic tutorial is an excellent way to learn your first language.

I also read Accelerated C++ by Koenig and Moo having heard that it was one of the best books to learn C++ from. It took me years to finish it--I came back to it every few months--because the text is so dry (and I have read far larger programming texts from cover to cover). I don't recommend it for anyone without a serious programming background in other languages.

Ya titanium, i don't have a SERIOUS background in programming. Although I used Delphi for quite some time... (That was my programming lanugage to start with cuz I HATE VB). I have a good back-bone for programming so far, i can understand quite a bit of the basics so I'm gunna go ahead and get the Accellerated C++ book. Thanks for the advice everyone :D.

Reverse psychology works well, it would seem. :P

The only book on C++ I have is the All in One Dummies Reference book, by Jeff Cogswell, I really can't recommend it, I'm brushing up on classes and enumerators and stuff, he has a tremendous amount of errors in not only the stuff in the book but in the source code he gives you, once he goes over things like certain headers and stuff he expects you to have read every last bit of the book and know where things go so he doesnt post it in the book... The book itself is very handy, though, when I need to remember how to do something or get a certain function on C++ its index is there for the rescue, and his history on certain things and explanations are very humorous and good for a read for something that is normally mindnumbingly dull to read about...
Still, with all this being said, I really cannot recommend it, the flaws he has in both in book snippets and source code are unforgivable...

A good book that I have recently bought is Programming Windows Fifth Edition by Charles Petzold. It talks about using the Win32 API. It also has code examples and an accompanying CD. It's like $60, but I got mine used for $30 on www.amazon.com.

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