name = raw_input("\t\t\tPlease Enter Your Name: ")
print "\t\t\t\tHello", name
print "\t\t\tWelcome to my Mathematics Game"
# Selecting the operation of Addition and Substraction followed by the difficulty
operation = str(raw_input("\t\t\tAddition (A) or Substraction (S)"))
if operation == "A" or operation == "a":
my_op = 'Add'
difficulty = str(raw_input("\tSelect a difficulty - Easy (E)(1-100), Medium (M) (1-200) or Hard (H) (1-500)"))
print "Addition"
print '** ** **'
elif operation == "S" or operation == "s":
my_op = 'Sub'
difficulty = str(raw_input("\tSelect a difficulty - Easy (E)(1-100), Medium (M) (1-200) or Hard (H) (1-500)"))
print "Subtraction"
print '** ** ** **'
if difficulty == "Easy" or difficulty == "easy" or difficulty == "E" or difficulty == "e":
my_rand_range = 100
elif difficulty == "Medium" or difficulty == "medium" or difficulty == "M" or difficulty == "m":
my_rand_range = 200
elif difficulty == "Hard" or difficulty == "hard" or difficulty == "H" or difficulty == "h":
my_rand_range = 500
# Amount of questions asked (10) and randomisation of numbers
import random
counter = 0
while counter < 10:
counter = counter +1
# Difficulty - Easy, Medium or Hard
number1 = random.randrange( my_rand_range ) + 1
number2 = random.randrange( my_rand_range ) + 1
# Addition Calculations
if my_op == 'Add':
print number1, "+", number2, "="
# Substraction Calculations
elif my_op == 'Sub':
print number1, "-", number2, "="
# Input for answer
answer = int(raw_input("Type in your answer: "))
# If Its "Correct" or "Incorrect"
if ( answer == number1 + number2 and my_op == 'Add' ) or \
( answer == number1 - number2 and my_op == 'Sub' ):
print "Correct :)"
print "Incorrect :("
raw_input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")
at the end of questions i want it show a "Certificate" that will be displayed showing:
a) the level chosen (easy, medium and hard)
b) the type of operation that was tested (Addition and Substraction)
c) the percentage they got correct (If they score 9 out of 10 then the percentage is 90%)
d) a comment (e.g. Needs Improvement)