Friends can i return a list or a map from a function???

Friends can i return a list or a map from a function???

Why don't you just try it?

map<int, string> Foo(void)
    map<int, string> Bar;
    return Bar;

int main()
   map<int, string> mp = Foo();
   return 0;

Works? Question answered :)

Thanks a worked

The problem with doing that is the program must duplicate the map when returning it, which can be very costly in both time and resources. A better solution is for main() to create the map object, pass it to Foo() by reference, and then Foo() can fill it in

void Foo(map<int, string>& Bar)
    // do something with Bar not shown

int main()
   map<int, string> mp;
   return 0;
commented: agreed +15
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