Hello, I was wondering how I could correct this. It is referring to the following line:

set.quickSort(prt1, 0, arraySize-1);

I tried to create an object and call the function this way but I am not sure how to correct this error.

My code is the following:

bool Sort::test()
	Sort set();
bool answer = false;

	//int arraySize;
	cout << "Enter the size of the array: ";
	//cin >> arraySize;
	cout << "50";
	arraySize = 50;
	cout << "Array being randomly populated with integers.";

	// pointers add/change values in the array indirectly
    int *prt1=new int[arraySize];

    // randomize the random number generator using current time
   srand ( (unsigned)time ( 0 ) );

    //insert numbers into array
    for (int i=0; i<arraySize; i++)
        *(prt1 + i)= 1 + rand() % 1000;
		//*(prt2 + i)= *(prt3 + i) =

    //print the numbers
    cout << "\n\nThe numbers before sorting are:\n";
    for (int i=0; i<arraySize; i++)
        cout << *(prt1 + i) << "\t";

    set.quickSort(prt1, 0, arraySize-1);

	 //print the sorted numbers
    cout << "\n\nThe numbers after sorting are: \n";
    for(int i=0; i<arraySize; i++)
    cout << *(prt1 + i) << "\t"; 

	// test
	if(*(prt1 + 1) < *(prt1 + 2))
		answer = true;

return answer;

Get rid of the paranthesis around set--

bool Sort::test()
	Sort set;
bool answer = false;

Get rid of the paranthesis around set--

bool Sort::test()
	Sort set;
bool answer = false;

thank you :-D

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