I am having two problems with this code. #1) The user is to enter a three digit number for their employee ID. No problem there. But if the user enters a negative number, such as -1 the program is to end and display the total payroll for the month, total payroll is all the employees pay added together. This function also has to do error checking so the user cannot enter '1xv'. I got that part but need help with displaying when user enters a negative number.
#2) I can't seem to figure out Total Payroll to display properly, I get junk values.

#include <iostream> 
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
#include <string>
int getEmployeeData (string[], char[], const int, double[]);
float calculateGrossPay(string[], char[], double[], int, double[]);
void displayEmployeeInfo (string[], char[], int, double[], double[]);
bool tryAgain();
bool isValidStatus(char);
bool isValidID (string);

int main()
	const int numEmp = 4;
	string ID[numEmp];
	char pyrllSt[numEmp];
	double grossPay[numEmp];
	double netPay[numEmp];
	double totalPayroll = 0;
	getEmployeeData(ID, pyrllSt, numEmp, grossPay);
	calculateGrossPay(ID, pyrllSt, grossPay, numEmp, netPay);

	return 0;	

int getEmployeeData (string ID[], char pyrllSt[], const int numEmp, double grossPay[])
		for (int index = 0; index < numEmp; index++)
				cout << "Enter employee ID:" << endl;
				cin >> ID[index];
			} while(!isValidID(ID[index])); 
				cout << "Enter payroll status:" << endl;
				cin >> pyrllSt[index];
			}while (!isValidStatus(pyrllSt[index])); 
			if (pyrllSt[index] == 's' || pyrllSt[index] == 'S')
				cout << "Enter the monthly salary:" << endl;
			else if (pyrllSt[index] == 'h' || pyrllSt[index] == 'H')
				cout << "Enter the number of hours worked this month:" << endl;
			else if (pyrllSt[index] == 'c' || pyrllSt[index] == 'C')
				cout << "Enter total sales for this month: " << endl;
			cin >> grossPay[index];
		return grossPay[index];

float calculateGrossPay (string ID[], char pyrllSt[], double grossPay[] , const int numEmp, double netPay[])
	for (int index = 0; index < numEmp; index++)
		if (pyrllSt[index] == 's' || pyrllSt[index] == 'S')
			netPay[index] = grossPay[index];
		if (pyrllSt[index] == 'h' || pyrllSt[index] == 'H')
			netPay[index] = grossPay[index] * 18.75;
		if (pyrllSt[index] == 'c' || pyrllSt[index] == 'C')
			netPay[index] = (grossPay[index] * 0.06) + 1000.00;
	displayEmployeeInfo (ID, pyrllSt, numEmp, netPay, grossPay);
	return netPay[index];

void displayEmployeeInfo (string ID[], char pyrllSt[], const int numEmp, double netPay[],double grossPay[])
	cout << "Employee ID    " << "Payroll Status" << "    GrossPay" << endl;
	cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
	for (int index = 0; index < numEmp; index++)
		if (pyrllSt[index] == 's' ||pyrllSt[index] == 'S')
			cout << ID[index] << setw(20) << "Salaried" << setw(11) << "$" << netPay[index] << endl;
		if (pyrllSt[index] == 'c' || pyrllSt[index] == 'C')
			cout << ID[index] << setw(24) << "Commissioned" << setw(7) << "$" << netPay[index] << endl;
		if (pyrllSt[index] == 'h' || pyrllSt[index] == 'H')
			cout << ID[index] << setw(18) << "Hourly" << setw(13) << "$" << netPay[index] << endl;
	//float totalPayroll += grossPay[index];
	//cout << "Total Payroll for this month: " << "$" << totalPayroll << endl;

bool tryAgain()
	char quit;
	cout << "Do you want to try again or quit?" << endl;
	cout << "Type Q or q to quit, any other key to continue: " << endl;
	if (quit != '\n')
	if (quit == 'q' || quit == 'Q')
		cout << "*** Program Terminated ***" << endl;
		exit (0);
		return false;
		return true;
bool isValidStatus(char pyrllSt)
	if (pyrllSt == 's' || pyrllSt == 'S' || pyrllSt == 'h' || pyrllSt == 'H' || pyrllSt == 'c' || pyrllSt == 'C')
		return true;
		cout << "*** Invalid payroll status ***" << endl;
		cout << "Re-enter 's' or 'S' for salaried, 'h' or 'H' for hourly," << endl;
		cout << "'c' or 'C' for commissioned." << endl;
		return false;

bool isValidID(string ID)
	for (int index = 0; index < ID.length(); index++)
		if(ID[0] < 48 || ID[0] > 57)
			cout << "*** Invalid employee ID ***" << endl;
			return tryAgain();

	if(ID.length() != 3)
		cout << "*** Invalid employee ID ***" << endl;
		return false;
		return true;

Stop making new threads for the same stupid question! I have a sound I'd like you to hear:


:sad: Hey dont get depressed by that comment. The solution is you can use exceptions. For example, you can throw an exception when the id<0 and on catching the exception display the details you need. Hope i am clear. If not tell me i will try to send you the code.

Seriously, it's called double posting, and it's not encouraged in this forum at all.

Closing this thread; please continue conversation in the thread already created.

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