Smithy888 0 Newbie Poster

I have the following code and am trying to get a range of data in an xl file and put into an array, so I can then analyse it. The array says it is not empty, but how can I see the data as the app fails if I try to show it even if i use vartostr?

arrData : variant;
Range : OLEVariant;
i,j : integer;
SheetName : string;
  SheetName := 'FCastVolcs';
  arrData := VarArrayCreate([1,1,1,1],varvariant);
  Range := WBk.Worksheets[SheetName].Range[WBk.Worksheets[SheetName].cells[1,1],
  arrData := Range.value;
  if varisempty(arrData) then
  showmessage('not empty');

  showmessage(arrData[1,1]);//FAILS HERE. HOW CAN I SEE DATA]

Many thanks

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