Hallo everybody. I am a student trying to extend my knowledge in cPP while using UML and system modelling.
I created a "vector template class" using the rhapsody system modeling tool for storing different data types. I used the template to store int and float data types successfully using either composition or aggregation.
Now and in order to learn sth more I tried to use the template for storing my own defined data type of a class CNotebook which inherits from a CDesktopPC class.
Unfortunately it doesnt compile. (see lines 140-144 of CTesterClass) I suspect that I have to overload some operators but I am not sure where I should do that.
I attach you the UML diagram to get a rough idea of what I am trying exactly to do and both the vector template class and the CNotebook, CDesktopPC, CTesterClass and VectorOfNotebooks classes.
A. CDesktopPC class:
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
//## class CDesktopPC
class CDesktopPC {
//// Constructors and destructors ////
public :
CDesktopPC(const std::string & man, const std::string proc, int ram, int disk);
//// Operations ////
int get_disk_size() const;
std::string get_manufacturer() const;
std::string get_processor() const;
int get_ram_size() const;
void set_disk_size(int ds);
void set_manufacturer(const std::string manu);
void set_processor(const std::string pro);
void set_ram_size(int rs);
virtual std::string to_string() const;
//// Attributes ////
private :
int disk_size; //## attribute disk_size
std::string manufacturer; //## attribute manufacturer
std::string processor; //## attribute processor
int ram_size; //## attribute ram_size
#include "CDesktopPC.h"
CDesktopPC::CDesktopPC(const std::string & man, const std::string proc, int ram, int disk) : manufacturer(man),processor(proc),ram_size(ram),disk_size(disk) {}
CDesktopPC::CDesktopPC() {}
CDesktopPC::~CDesktopPC() { std::cout<<"Destructor of CDesktopPC."<<std::endl;}
int CDesktopPC::get_disk_size() const {return disk_size;}
std::string CDesktopPC::get_manufacturer() const { return manufacturer;}
std::string CDesktopPC::get_processor() const {return processor;}
int CDesktopPC::get_ram_size() const { return ram_size;}
void CDesktopPC::set_disk_size(int ds) { disk_size=ds;}
void CDesktopPC::set_manufacturer(const std::string manu) {manufacturer=manu;}
void CDesktopPC::set_processor(const std::string pro) {processor=pro;}
void CDesktopPC::set_ram_size(int rs) {ram_size=rs;}
std::string CDesktopPC::to_string() const {
//#[ operation to_string() const
std::ostringstream sb;
sb<<"manufacturer: "<<manufacturer
<<"\nCPU: "<<processor
<<"\nRAM: "<<ram_size<< " megabytes"
<<"\nDisk: "<<disk_size<<" gigabytes";
return sb.str();
B. CNotebook class:
#include "CDesktopPC.h"
class CNotebook : public CDesktopPC {
//// Constructors and destructors ////
public :
CNotebook(const std::string & proc, int ram, int disk, double screen, double wei);
CNotebook(const std::string & man, const std::string & proc, int ram, int disk, double screen, double wei);
//// Operations ////
double get_screen_size() const;
double get_weight() const;
void set_size(double sz);
void set_weight(double we);
std::string to_string() const;
//// Attributes ////
static const char * DEFAULT_LT_MAN; //## attribute DEFAULT_LT_MAN
private :
double screen_size; //## attribute screen_size
double weight; //## attribute weight
#include "CNotebook.h"
const char * CNotebook::DEFAULT_LT_MAN("H MARKA MOU");
CNotebook::CNotebook(const std::string & proc, int ram, int disk, double screen, double wei) : CDesktopPC(DEFAULT_LT_MAN,proc,ram,disk),screen_size(screen),weight(wei) {}
CNotebook::CNotebook(const std::string & man, const std::string & proc, int ram, int disk, double screen, double wei) : CDesktopPC(man,proc,ram,disk),screen_size(screen),weight(wei) {}
CNotebook::CNotebook() {}
CNotebook::~CNotebook() {}
double CNotebook::get_screen_size() const { return screen_size;}
double CNotebook::get_weight() const { return weight;}
void CNotebook::set_size(double sz) { screen_size=sz;}
void CNotebook::set_weight(double we) { weight=we;}
std::string CNotebook::to_string() const {
std::ostringstream sb;
<<"\nScreen size: "<<screen_size
<<"\nWeight: "<<weight;
return sb.str();
C. CVectorTemplate class
#include <stdexcept>
template <typename Item_Type>
class CVectorTemplate {
//// Constructors and destructors ////
public :
virtual ~CVectorTemplate();
//// Attributes ////
private :
static size_t INITIAL_CAPACITY; //## attribute INITIAL_CAPACITY
size_t current_capacity; //## attribute current_capacity
size_t num_items; //## attribute num_items
Item_Type* the_data; //## attribute the_data
public :
void erase(size_t index); //Remove an entry based on its index
void insert(size_t index, const Item_Type& the_value); // Insert an entry to the data inserting it before the item at the specified index.
Item_Type& operator[](size_t index); //Get a value in the vector based on its index.
const Item_Type& operator[](size_t index) const; // Get a constant value in the vector based on its index.
void pop_back(); //Remove the last item in the vector.
void push_back(const Item_Type& the_value); //Insert a new item at the end of the vector.
void reserve(size_t new_capacity); //Ensure that the capacity is at least a given size.
void swap(CVectorTemplate<Item_Type>& other); //Exchanges the contents of this vector with another.
CVectorTemplate(const CVectorTemplate<Item_Type>& other); //Make a copy of a CVectorTemplate.
size_t CVectorTemplatesize() const; // Get the current size of the vector
Item_Type& back(); //Return a reference to the last item.
const Item_Type& back() const; //Return a const reference to the last item.
size_t capacity(); //Get the current capacity of the vector
bool emptyCVectorTemplate() const; //Determine if the vector is empty
Item_Type& front(); //Return a reference to the first item
const Item_Type& front() const; //Return a const reference to the first item
CVectorTemplate<Item_Type>& operator=(const CVectorTemplate<Item_Type>& other); // Assign the contents of one vector to another.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// End of CVectorTemplate.h
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename Item_Type> size_t CVectorTemplate<Item_Type>::INITIAL_CAPACITY(10);
template <typename Item_Type> CVectorTemplate<Item_Type>::CVectorTemplate() : current_capacity(INITIAL_CAPACITY),the_data(new Item_Type[INITIAL_CAPACITY]),num_items(0) {}
template <typename Item_Type> CVectorTemplate<Item_Type>::CVectorTemplate(const CVectorTemplate<Item_Type>& other) : current_capacity(other.capacity),num_items(other.num_items),the_data(new Item_Type[other.current_capacity]) {
for (size_t i=0;i<num_items;i++)
the_data[i]=other.the_data[i]; }
template <typename Item_Type> CVectorTemplate<Item_Type>::~CVectorTemplate() {
delete[] the_data; }
template <typename Item_Type> size_t CVectorTemplate<Item_Type>::CVectorTemplatesize() const { return num_items; }
template <typename Item_Type> Item_Type& CVectorTemplate<Item_Type>::back() {
if (num_items == 0)
throw std::out_of_range
("Attempt to access back of empty vector");
return the_data[num_items-1]; }
template <typename Item_Type> const Item_Type& CVectorTemplate<Item_Type>::back() const {
if (num_items == 0)
throw std::out_of_range
("Attempt to access back of empty vector");
return the_data[num_items-1]; }
template <typename Item_Type> size_t CVectorTemplate<Item_Type>::capacity() {
return current_capacity; }
template <typename Item_Type> bool CVectorTemplate<Item_Type>::emptyCVectorTemplate() const {return num_items == 0;}
template <typename Item_Type> void CVectorTemplate<Item_Type>::erase(size_t index) { // Validate index.
if (index >= num_items) {
throw std::out_of_range
("index to erase is out of range"); }
// Move items below the removed one up.
for (size_t i = index + 1; i < num_items; i++) {
the_data[i - 1] = the_data[i]; }
num_items--; }
template <typename Item_Type> Item_Type& CVectorTemplate<Item_Type>::front() {
if (num_items == 0)
throw std::out_of_range
("Attempt to access front of empty vector");
return the_data[0]; }
template <typename Item_Type> const Item_Type& CVectorTemplate<Item_Type>::front() const {
if (num_items == 0)
throw std::out_of_range
("Attempt to access front of empty vector");
return the_data[0]; }
template <typename Item_Type> void CVectorTemplate<Item_Type>::insert(size_t index, const Item_Type& the_value) {
// Validate index
if (index > num_items) {
throw std::out_of_range
("index to insert is out of range"); }
// Ensure that there is space for the new item
if (num_items == current_capacity) {
reserve(2 * current_capacity); // allocate an expanded array }
// Move data from index to num_items-1 down
for (size_t i = num_items; i > index; i--) {
the_data[i] = the_data[i - 1]; }
// Insert the new item
the_data[index] = the_value;
num_items++; }
template <typename Item_Type> CVectorTemplate<Item_Type>& CVectorTemplate<Item_Type>::operator=(const CVectorTemplate<Item_Type>& other) {
//Make a copy of the other CVectorTemplate object.
CVectorTemplate<Item_Type> the_copy(other);
//above the "deep copy constructor" was used
//Now we swap the contents of self with the copy(the_copy) we made before.
//finally we return the object. Upon return the copy will be destroyed.
return *this; }
template <typename Item_Type> Item_Type& CVectorTemplate<Item_Type>::operator[](size_t index) {
// Verify that the index is legal
if (index >= num_items) {
throw std::out_of_range
("index to operator[] is out of range"); }
return the_data[index]; }
template <typename Item_Type> const Item_Type& CVectorTemplate<Item_Type>::operator[](size_t index) const {
// Verify that the index is legal
if (index >= num_items) {
throw std::out_of_range
("index to operator[] is out of range"); }
return the_data[index]; }
template <typename Item_Type> void CVectorTemplate<Item_Type>::pop_back() {
num_items--; }
template <typename Item_Type> void CVectorTemplate<Item_Type>::push_back(const Item_Type& the_value) {
// Make sure there is space for the new item.
if (num_items == current_capacity) {
reserve(2 * current_capacity); // Allocate an expanded array }
// Insert the new item.
the_data[num_items] = the_value;
num_items++; }
template <typename Item_Type> void CVectorTemplate<Item_Type>::reserve(size_t new_capacity) {
if (new_capacity > current_capacity) {
if (new_capacity > 2 * current_capacity)
current_capacity = new_capacity;
current_capacity *= 2; // Double the capacity.
Item_Type* new_data = new Item_Type[current_capacity];
// Copy the data over
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_items; i++)
new_data[i] = the_data[i];
// Free the memory occupied by the old copy.
delete[] the_data;
// Now point to the new data
the_data = new_data;
template <typename Item_Type> void CVectorTemplate<Item_Type>::swap(CVectorTemplate<Item_Type>& other) {
std::swap(num_items, other.num_items);
std::swap(current_capacity, other.current_capacity);
std::swap(the_data, other.the_data);
D. CTesterClass class
#include "CNotebook.h" //## dependency CNotebook
#include "vect1int.h" //## link itsVect1int
#include "vect2int.h" //## link itsVect2int
#include "vect3float.h" //## link itsVect3float
class VectorOfNotebooks; //## link itsVectorOfNotebooks
class bindingclass; //## link itsBindingclass
class CTesterClass {
//// Constructors and destructors ////
public :
//// Operations ////
//## operation testCVectorTemplateClass()
void testCVectorTemplateClass();
//// Additional operations ////
//## auto_generated
bindingclass* getItsBindingclass() const;
//## auto_generated
void setItsBindingclass(bindingclass* p_bindingclass);
//## auto_generated
vect1int* getItsVect1int() const;
//## auto_generated
vect2int* getItsVect2int() const;
//## auto_generated
vect3float* getItsVect3float() const;
//## auto_generated
VectorOfNotebooks* getItsVectorOfNotebooks() const;
//## auto_generated
void setItsVectorOfNotebooks(VectorOfNotebooks* p_VectorOfNotebooks);
protected :
//## auto_generated
void cleanUpRelations();
//// Relations and components ////
bindingclass* itsBindingclass; //## link itsBindingclass
vect1int itsVect1int; //## link itsVect1int
vect2int itsVect2int; //## link itsVect2int
vect3float itsVect3float; //## link itsVect3float
VectorOfNotebooks* itsVectorOfNotebooks; //## link itsVectorOfNotebooks
#include "CTesterClass.h"
#include "bindingclass.h" //## link itsBindingclass
#include "VectorOfNotebooks.h" //## link itsVectorOfNotebooks
CTesterClass::CTesterClass() {
itsBindingclass = NULL;
itsVectorOfNotebooks = NULL;
testCVectorTemplateClass(); }
CTesterClass::~CTesterClass() {
cleanUpRelations(); }
void CTesterClass::testCVectorTemplateClass() {
vect1int vect1;
//gemise ton vect1 me 20 stoixeia ta poia periexoun tous akeraious 0 ws 19
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
vect1.push_back(i); }
bool pass1 = true;
//tsekare to index tou vect1
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
if (i != vect1[i]) {
std::cout << i << " != vect1[" << i << "] == "<< vect1[i] << '\n';
pass1 = false; }
if (pass1)
std::cout << "Index test passed\n";
std::cout<<"the last item of vect1int vect1 is" <<vect1.back()<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"the first item of vect1int vect1 is" <<vect1.front()<<std::endl;
//Check Out of range negative index
bool passed1b = false;
try {
vect1[-1] = 0;
} catch (std::out_of_range& ex) {
passed1b = true;
std::cout << "Out of range negative index test passed\n";
if (!passed1b)
std::cout << "Out of range negative index test failed\n";
//check Out of range index too large
bool passed1c = false;
try {
vect1[vect1.CVectorTemplatesize()] = 0;
} catch (std::out_of_range& ex) {
passed1c = true;
std:: cout << "Out of range index too large test passed\n";
if (!passed1c)
std::cout << "Out of range index too large test failed\n";
vect2int vect2;
//gemise ton vect2 me 20 stoixeia ta poia einai:0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i += 2) {
vect2.push_back(i); }
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i += 2) {
vect2.insert(i+1, i+1); }
bool pass2 = true;
//tsekare to index tou vect
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
if (i != vect2[i]) {
std::cout << i << " != vect2[" << i << "] == "<< vect2[i] << '\n';
pass2 = false;
if (pass2)
std::cout << "Insert test passed\n";
std::cout<<"the last item of vect2int vect2 is" <<vect2.back()<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"the first item of vect2int vect2 is" <<vect2.front()<<std::endl;
vect3float vect3;
//gemise ton vect3 me 20 stoixeia ta poia einai:0.0,2.0,4.0,6.0,8.0,10.0,12.0,14.0,16.0,18.0
for (float i = 0.0; i < 20.0; i += 2.0) {
std::cout<<"the last item of vectfloat vect3 is" <<vect3.back()<<std::endl;
itsBindingclass= new bindingclass;
//gemise ton vect4 me 20 stoixeia ta poia einai:0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i += 2) {
std::cout<<"the last item of vectfloat vect4 is" <<itsBindingclass->back()<<std::endl;
itsVectorOfNotebooks = new VectorOfNotebooks;
///--------------///MY PROBLEM: ///--------------//
///////////////all next three statements cause a compile error
//itsVectorOfNotebook->insert(new CNotebook("HP nwer", "Intel P9", 2028, 120,15.4,4.0));
//itsVectorOfNotebook->insert(CNotebook("HP nwer", "Intel P9", 2028, 120,15.4,4.0));
//itsVectorOfNotebook.insert(new CNotebook("HP nwer", "Intel P9", 2028, 120,15.4,4.0));
//CDesktopPC c1;
CDesktopPC Mycomputer("HP", "Intel P4", 2028, 120);
//CNotebook c3("Ace", "AMD Athlon 2000", 512, 60);
CNotebook YourPC("Ace", "AMD Athlon 2000", 1024, 100, 15.5, 7.5);
CNotebook HerPC("intel II", 128, 20, 17.0, 12.5);
//cout << c2.manufacturer << ", " << c2.processor << endl;
std::cout << Mycomputer.get_disk_size() << ", " << YourPC.get_ram_size() << std::endl;
std::cout <<"My Computer is:\n "<< Mycomputer.to_string() <<std::endl;
std::cout <<"Your Pc is:\n "<< YourPC.to_string() << std::endl;
std::cout <<"Her Pc is:\n "<< HerPC.to_string() << std::endl;
//sel196 virtual functions
CDesktopPC* PC1;
CDesktopPC* Laptop1;
PC1= new CDesktopPC ("Asus","AMD3",256,40);
Laptop1= new CNotebook ("Fujitsu","intel 3",1000,60,15.4,6.0);
std::cout <<"PC1 is:\n "<< PC1->to_string() << std::endl;
std::cout <<"Laptop1 is:\n "<< Laptop1->to_string() << std::endl;
bindingclass* CTesterClass::getItsBindingclass() const {
return itsBindingclass;}
void CTesterClass::setItsBindingclass(bindingclass* p_bindingclass) {
itsBindingclass = p_bindingclass;}
vect1int* CTesterClass::getItsVect1int() const {
return (vect1int*) &itsVect1int;}
vect2int* CTesterClass::getItsVect2int() const {
return (vect2int*) &itsVect2int;}
vect3float* CTesterClass::getItsVect3float() const {
return (vect3float*) &itsVect3float;}
VectorOfNotebooks* CTesterClass::getItsVectorOfNotebooks() const {
return itsVectorOfNotebooks;}
void CTesterClass::setItsVectorOfNotebooks(VectorOfNotebooks* p_VectorOfNotebooks) {
itsVectorOfNotebooks = p_VectorOfNotebooks;
void CTesterClass::cleanUpRelations() {
if(itsBindingclass != NULL)
itsBindingclass = NULL;
if(itsVectorOfNotebooks != NULL)
itsVectorOfNotebooks = NULL;
E. VectorOfNotebooks class
#include "CNotebook.h" //## dependency CNotebook
#include "CVectorTemplate.h" //## class VectorOfNotebooks
class VectorOfNotebooks : public CVectorTemplate<CNotebook> {
//// Constructors and destructors ////
public :
#include "VectorOfNotebooks.h"
VectorOfNotebooks::VectorOfNotebooks() {}
VectorOfNotebooks::~VectorOfNotebooks() {}
Thanks a lot in advance everybody & sorry for the amount of code.
Please feel to free to tell me if u see any bad programming practice.