Hi everyone,
I am a computer teacher in the midwest that is going to have to teach a unit on QBASIC very shortly! i am really a science teacher and would love a little help.
i am looking for short, 10 lines or so, programs that the kids can type in and see something neat.
also i have some code that they can use, but it wasn't originally qbasic, and the random numbers are written differently. can anyone tell me how to write the following line in qbasic (i think this code is originally for commodores!)
30 LET R=INT (100 * RND ( :idea: )) + 1
with :idea: = a box on my paper, don't know what the box is, but a long time teacher here says it was a key on the old computers!!
Also any sights with tutorials that 8th and 9th graders might like, or a sight explaining programing in qbasic in simple terms. In short any online sites that can be read by children and deal with qbasic.
Any help is appriciated, thank you in advance.
Russell Gregory