kavithabhaskar 0 Junior Poster

I have a work database and a master database. I have 4 fields in each of them. If I got A B C D values for a field in my work database. If I have A anywhere in my master database.. I want a report to be displayed in Access or Excel and whichever data matches it should be green and whichever does not..that one in red..

I am not sure how I would get the report generated.. If you can give me ideas.. I am not sure if VB has functions to generate reports.. or do i have to write user defined functions ??

Please assist..!

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

If SearchForComboBoxValue() = True Then ' If value matches

MessageBox.Show("Value found in datatable")


MessageBox.Show("Value not found in datatable")

End If

End Sub

Private Function SearchForComboBoxValue() As Boolean

Using objDataReader As DataTableReader = objMyDataTable.CreateDataReader

If objDataReader.HasRows Then

While objDataReader.Read

If ComboBox1.Text = objDataReader.Item("ColumnNameToSearch").ToString Then
Return True
End If

End While

End If
End Using

Return False

End Function

in the first row in my work database if I have A B C D.. if i see A in any row in X field, I get it green.. and of I see B anywhere in Y field...i see it green.. if I dont find C in anywhere in Z field..i make it turn red...

i have never used crystal reports before.. is it ok if I got my matching code done and then got to my crystal report or do i have to code them simultaneously..

can u please explain this to me ?

Folks.. i am not sure if I am supposed to have 2 datagridviews in my form and then compare or do the comparion in the database's location itself..

please assist..