I'm trying to write a phonebook application using Tkinter. It's not very advanced, and it's mentioned in this tutorial:
The full source of the tutorial's version being here:
However, I'm trying to write a version myself, yet I keep getting the following error:
File "phonebook_test.py", line 96, in ? win = MakeWindow()
File "phonebook_test.py", line 55, in MakeWindow
Load_but = Button(f2,text="Load", command=load())
File "phonebook_test.py", line 13, in load
name, phone = phonelist[whichSelected()]
File "phonebook_test.py", line 10, in whichSelected
return int(Contacts_lbox.curselection())
NameError: global name 'Contacts_lbox' is not defined
My code is here:
from Tkinter import *
phonelist = [['Mary Mag', '01467393'], ['Bob hilder', '9370703'], ['Fire & Res', '999']]
def whichSelected () :
#print "At %s of %d" % (Contacts_lbox.curselection(), len(phonelist))
return int(Contacts_lbox.curselection())
def load():
name, phone = phonelist[whichSelected()]
def MakeWindow():
global Contacts_lbox, number_string, name_string
win = Tk()
###frame 1###
f1 = Frame(win)
name = StringVar()
number = StringVar()
name_string = StringVar()
name_box = Entry(f1,textvariable=name_string)
number_string = StringVar()
number_box = Entry(f1,textvariable=number_string)
name_label = Label(f1,text="Name:")
number_label = Label(f1,text="Number:")
#Pack/Grid statements
name_box.grid(row=0,column =1)
number_label.grid(row =1, column =0)
number_box.grid(row =1,column=1)
###frame 2###
f2 = Frame(win)
Add_but = Button(f2,text="Add")
Update_but = Button(f2,text="Update")
Delete_but = Button(f2,text="Delete")
Load_but = Button(f2,text="Load", command=load())
#Pack/Grid statements
Add_but.grid(row =0, column = 0)
Update_but.grid(row =0, column = 1)
Delete_but.grid(row =0, column = 2)
Load_but.grid(row =0, column = 3)
###frame 3###
f3 = Frame(win)
Contacts_lbox = Listbox(f3,height=5)
Scroll = Scrollbar (f3,orient=VERTICAL)
#Pack statements
Contacts_lbox.pack(side = RIGHT, fill =BOTH)
Scroll.pack(side=LEFT,fill = Y)
#Configure Statements
return win
def setSelect () :
for name,phone in phonelist :
Contacts_lbox.insert(END, name)
win = MakeWindow()
setSelect ()
The purpose of the load button is to display in the text boxes the information about the selected listbox entry.
setSelect sorts and then displays the contents of the listbox.
The contents of the listbox are stored within phonelist.
WhichSelected() returns the index of the selected item within the listbox (Contacts_lbox).
I've tried placing my global declaration in all sorts of places, and i've tried googling, but I just can't see what the solution to my problem is. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Also, what does:
print "At %s of %d" % (Contacts_lbox.curselection(), len(phonelist))
(It's commented out - near the top) actually do? Because I can't work that out either.
I'd be grateful for any help.