i need to a sub class for the boat rental but i am not sure how to do it i will give the code and it needs to inherit to the parent class can somw help out

I don't download attachments. If your code is relatively short, post it. Anyway, what are you having problems with? Do you know how to derive from a base class? You're not really giving us much to work with here.

i am not to sure how to write a sub class to inherit it from the main class there are no viruses in the code i check it and recheck it if someone can look at it. thanks

>i am not to sure how to write a sub class to inherit it from the main class

class base {
  // Stuff

class derived extends base {
  // Stuff

It's really very simple, but I'm sure your book (you do have one, right?) will explain the details far better than I could in a short post.

>there are no viruses in the code i check it and recheck it
I'm not as worried about that as I am lazy. Why should I work harder to help you? I have no vested interest in your success, so you should at least put some effort into helping me help you.

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